Dasakam: 056 -- Slokam:10
शिखिनि वर्णत एव हि पीतता परिलसत्यधुना क्रिययाऽप्यसौ ।
इति नुत: पशुपैर्मुदितैर्विभो हर हरे दुरितै:सह मे गदान् ॥१०॥
shikhini varNata eva hi piitataa parilasatyadhunaa kriyayaapyasau |
iti nutaH pashupai-rmuditai-rvibhO hara hare duritaiH saha me gadaan ||10
iti nutaH pashupai-rmuditai-rvibhO hara hare duritaiH saha me gadaan ||10
Oh Hari ! The cowherds, overcome with joy, praised Thee, marvelling that, yellowness(peethatha), which was an attribute of fire only as a colour till now, had now become an essence of it by the act of being drunk peethatha also by the lord. Oh Guruvayurappa! May, remove my diseases as also the sins which cause them.