Dasakam: 056 -- Slokam: 08
निशि पुनस्तमसा व्रजमन्दिरं व्रजितुमक्षम एव जनोत्करे ।
स्वपति तत्र भवच्चरणाश्रये दवकृशानुररुन्ध समन्तत: ॥८॥
nishipunastamasaa vrajamandiraM vrajitumakshama eva janOtkare |
svapiti tatra bhavachcharaNaashraye davakR^ishaanurarundha samantataH || 8
svapiti tatra bhavachcharaNaashraye davakR^ishaanurarundha samantataH || 8
Then as darkness fell, the Gopas could not return to their homes in the village. So they took refuge at Thy feet and spent the night in the forest nearby. Then, all of a sudden, a forest fire surrounded them.