Dasakam: 056 -- Slokam: 07
फणिवधूजनदत्तमणिव्रजज्वलितहारदुकूलविभूषित: ।
तटगतै: प्रमदाश्रुविमिश्रितै: समगथा: स्वजनैर्दिवसावधौ ॥७॥
phaNivadhuujana dattamaNi vraja jvalitahaara dukuula vibhuuShitaH |
taTagataiH pramadaashruvimishritaiH samagathaaH svajanai-rdivasaavadhau || 7
taTagataiH pramadaashruvimishritaiH samagathaaH svajanai-rdivasaavadhau || 7
[div5]The serpent wives gifted Thee many gems, resplendent necklaces and silk garments. Adorned with these, towards evening, Thou joined Thy folk, who were waiting for Thee on the banks of the Yamuna with their sights mingled with joyful tears, and went with them.[div5]