Dasakam: 054 -- Slokam: 09
रोमाञ्चोऽयं सर्वतो न: शरीरे
भूयस्यन्त: काचिदानन्दमूर्छा ।
आश्चर्योऽयं क्ष्वेलवेगो मुकुन्दे-
त्युक्तो गोपैर्नन्दितो वन्दितोऽभू: ॥९॥
rOmaa~nchO(a)yaM sarvatO naH shariire
bhuuyasyantaH kaachidaanandamuurchChaa |
aashcharyO(a)yaM kshvelavegO mukundetyuktO
gOpaiH nanditO vanditO(a)bhuuH || 9
bhuuyasyantaH kaachidaanandamuurchChaa |
aashcharyO(a)yaM kshvelavegO mukundetyuktO
gOpaiH nanditO vanditO(a)bhuuH || 9
Oh Mukunda ! The cowherds, with their hairs standing on end and the thrills of ecstasyvibrating through their body, could not find words to express their feelings. Theythought it was due to the strange effect of the poison. They praised and thanked Thee profusely, with joy.