Dasakam: 053 -- Slokam: 08
तवावतारस्य फलं मुरारे सञ्जातमद्येति सुरैर्नुतस्त्वम् ।
सत्यं फलं जातमिहेति हासी बालै: समं तालफलान्यभुङ्क्था: ॥८॥
tavaavataarasya phalaM muraare sanjaatamadyeti surairnutastvam |
satyaM phalaM jaatamiheti haasii baalaiH samaM taalaphalaanyabhunkthaaH || 8
satyaM phalaM jaatamiheti haasii baalaiH samaM taalaphalaanyabhunkthaaH || 8
O Slayer of Mura! The gods praised Thee saying that the fruit of Thy incarnation has now appeared. Thou laughingly said that 'indeed the fruits of the palm tree have been got now', and saying that the jambu fruits had fallen down and ate them with the children.