Dasakam: 052 -- Slokam: 07

वर्षावधौ नवपुरातनवत्सपालान्
दृष्ट्वा विवेकमसृणे द्रुहिणे विमूढे ।
प्रादीदृश: प्रतिनवान् मकुटाङ्गदादि
भूषांश्चतुर्भुजयुज: सजलाम्बुदाभान् ॥७॥

At the end of one year, Brahma, was extremely perplexed as he could not distinguish which set of cowherds and calves were the old ones and which were the new ones. Thou revealed to him Thy showed to him, each and everyoneof Thy new forms, adorned with crown, shoulder ornaments etc. and having four arms and the radiance of the rain bearing clouds.