Dasakam: 052 -- Slokam: 04
त्वामेव शिक्यगवलादिमयं दधानो
भूयस्त्वमेव पशुवत्सकबालरूप: ।
गोरूपिणीभिरपि गोपवधूमयीभि-
रासादितोऽसि जननीभिरतिप्रहर्षात् ॥४॥
tvaameva shikya gavalaadimayaM dadhaanO
bhuuyastvameva pashuvatsaka baalaruupaH |
gOruupiNiibhirapi gOpavadhuumayiibhiH
aasaaditO(a)si jananiibhiratipraharShaat ||4
bhuuyastvameva pashuvatsaka baalaruupaH |
gOruupiNiibhirapi gOpavadhuumayiibhiH
aasaaditO(a)si jananiibhiratipraharShaat ||4
Thou alone were in the form of the slings and horns held by the gopaa boys who were also Thou alone in their form. The cows and calves were also Thy form alone. The mothers, that is, the Gopikas and cows received the gopa boys and the calves with great joy and love.