Dasakam: 052 -- Slokam: 02
वत्सानवीक्ष्य विवशे पशुपोत्करे ता-
नानेतुकाम इव धातृमतानुवर्ती ।
त्वं सामिभुक्तकबलो गतवांस्तदानीं
भुक्तांस्तिरोऽधित सरोजभव: कुमारान् ॥२॥
vatsaanaviikshya vivashe pashupOtkaretaan
aanetukaama iva dhaatR^imataanuvartii |
tvaM saamibhukta kabalO gatavaamstadaaniiM
bhuktaamstirOdhita sarOjabhavaH kumaaraan || 2
aanetukaama iva dhaatR^imataanuvartii |
tvaM saamibhukta kabalO gatavaamstadaaniiM
bhuktaamstirOdhita sarOjabhavaH kumaaraan || 2
The Gopa boys were worried by the disappearance of the calves. As though trying to bring them back, You left your half finished meal and as if to obey Brahma’s wish,Started searching for the calves and then that Brahma hide ,The Gopa boys also with their half finished mealsWitnessing the indisputable power of Thy glory, during the liberation of the demonAgha, hitherto not seen in any of Thy other incarnations, Brahma, with his mind determined to test Thee, used his power of delusion, (Maya), and caused the calfherds to disappear from view.