Dasakam: 051 -- Slokam: 04
प्रसारितप्रथितमुखस्य कानने ।
मुखोदरं विहरणकौतुकाद्गता:
कुमारका: किमपि विदूरगे त्वयि ॥४॥
mahaachala pratimatanOrguhaanibha
prasaarita prathita mukhasya kaanane |
mukhOdaraM viharaNa kautukaadgataaH
kumaarakaaH kimapi viduurage tvayi ||4
prasaarita prathita mukhasya kaanane |
mukhOdaraM viharaNa kautukaadgataaH
kumaarakaaH kimapi viduurage tvayi ||4
Thou had gone a little ahead. The lads mistook the huge body of the Asura for a mountain and its large spread out mouth for a cave. the cowherd children, who, eager to play in the forest,entered the open hollow of its mouth, (unsuspectingly), whilst Thou wert still a shortdistance away from them .