Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
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Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
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Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
Dear Sir,
I have contacted ramakrishna mutt mylapore and gridtading on phone but got the reply as no stock if possible can u explain it step by step pictures sir i hope i have seen one picture but i could not understand practically how to do sorry for the disturbance sir
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
This is from this site:
Very powerful.
# First, putting the thumbs in the ears close the ear holes. Keep your back straight.
# Next close the eyelids and place the tips of the index fingers on them. If the eyeballs feel disturbed by the pressure of the finger on the eyelids, try drawing the eyelid down with the index fingers so that the only place where the fingers apply pressure is just below the eyes at the cheekbone.
# The middle fingers push in on the nostrils. The ring fingers rest on the upper lip, while the little fingers rest under the lower lip.
# Each elbow should be pointed outwards: the right at a ninety- degree angle to your right side, and the left elbow at a ninety-degree angle to your left side. Keep them in this position throughout and do not let them drop.
# There are two variations in the technique of breathing while doing the Yoni Mudra. The first is simply to stop pinching the nostrils with your middle fingers when you wish to breathe in and out. In the other procedure, the nostrils are held tightly shut. The ring and little fingers stay put also, but the lips open as if you are pouting, or, as if you are about to whistle.[]
Then visit this site
Google search has provided these information.
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
Thanksma in yoni mudra do we have to give pressure on all chakra points of the fingers and secondly closing ears eyes etc is it also yoni mudra or it has some oher name thirdly here also we have to give pressure on ear holes eyelids and nostrils etc kindly clarify in the second technique do we have to breath through mouth finally of- when clicked error msg appears
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
www .mudras devi mandir- temple of divine mother ony this one is for pooja ansd japam mudrai. yoga mudra is not for japam and pooja. from google you try this www.udras devi mandir-temple of divine mother. you pleaqse send me your e mail id . i will end you the yoni mudra picture. i do not know how to send it to this
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
Here is the correct link to that site:
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
Sir, It is yoga link. now it is not at all required for yoni mudra for gayatri sapa vimochanam.There is another website ere they are doing sahasra chandy homam. There they have given all mudras ambal upasakars. which is required here. www.devimandir temple of divine mother.
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
click www.devimandir there appears more details to be shown. give there mudras temple of the divine mother. there you can see many mudras . the t one is yoni mudra.
Re: Gayathri Saaba Vimochanam Sanskrit and Tamil
Sri Gopalan Sir Thank you for the immediate reply my e mail id is soundararajan50@gmail.comLast edited by bmbcAdmin; 20-10-12, 20:28.
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