Dasakam: 049 -- Slokam: 09
समं ततो गोपकुमारकैस्त्वं समन्ततो यत्र वनान्तमागा: ।
ततस्ततस्तां कुटिलामपश्य: कलिन्दजां रागवतीमिवैकाम् ॥९॥
samaM tatO gOpakumaarakaistvam samantatO yatra vanaantamaagaaH |
tatastatastaaM kuTilaamapashyaH kalindajaaM raagavatiimivaikaam || 9
tatastatastaaM kuTilaamapashyaH kalindajaaM raagavatiimivaikaam || 9
Wherever Thou wandered with the gopa children, in and out of that forest, And seeing there the Kalindi river fully flowing in curves, as though she was a lovelorn damsel, waiting to meet Thee in solitude.