Dasakam: 049 -- Slokam: 08
मयूरकेकाशतलोभनीयं मयूखमालाशबलं मणीनाम् ।
विरिञ्चलोकस्पृशमुच्चशृङ्गैर्गिरिं च गोवर्धनमैक्षथास्त्वम् ॥८॥
mayuurakekaashatalObhaniiyaM mayuukhamaalaashabalaM maNiinaam |
viri~nchalOkaspR^ishamuchchashR^iNgairgiriM chagOvardhanamaikshathaastvam || 8
viri~nchalOkaspR^ishamuchchashR^iNgairgiriM chagOvardhanamaikshathaastvam || 8
Thou also saw the majestic Govardhana mountain. It was attractive by resounding with the cries ofnumerous peacocks, and shining with a multitude of coloured rays of the gems it contained. Its high peaks were as though touching the abode of Brahmaa