Dasakam: 049 -- Slokam: 07
अरालमार्गागतनिर्मलापां मरालकूजाकृतनर्मलापाम् ।
निरन्तरस्मेरसरोजवक्त्रां कलिन्दकन्यां समलोकयस्त्वम् ॥७॥
araalamaargaagata nirmalaapaaM maraalakuujaakR^ita narmalaapaam |
nirantarasmera sarOjavaktraaM kalindakanyaaM samalOkayastvam || 7
nirantarasmera sarOjavaktraaM kalindakanyaaM samalOkayastvam || 7
Thou saw The river Kaalindi the daughter of Kalinda, Kaalindi or Yamunaa river which was flowing with clear waters through winding ways. The echoes of the cooing of the swans enhanced the sweet sound of the river. The thick growth of the full blown lotuses was like her ever smiling face. Thy heart fill withjoy.