Dasakam: 049 -- Slokam: 04
अनोमनोज्ञध्वनिधेनुपालीखुरप्रणादान्तरतो वधूभि: ।
भवद्विनोदालपिताक्षराणि प्रपीय नाज्ञायत मार्गदैर्घ्यम् ॥४॥
anO manOj~nadhvani dhenupaalii khurapraNaadaantaratO vadhuubhiH |
bhavadvinOdaalapitaaksharaaNi prapiiya naaj~naayata maarga dairghyam || 4
bhavadvinOdaalapitaaksharaaNi prapiiya naaj~naayata maarga dairghyam || 4
The Gopikaas did not feel the distance of the path covered, as they were fully engrossed in The rhythmic sounds of the rolling carts and the clattering of the hooves of the cows,and Thy sweet incoherent baby prattle, made the journey so enjoyable that nobodyknew how long the road to Brindaavana was.