Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 49 -- Journey to Brindavan
Dasakam: 49 -- Journey to Brindavan
Vrindavan, a village - once noted for its fragrant groves, is where he spent an eventful youth. Brindaban, this holy place is the site of the original forest or forested region, in which Lord Krishna spent his childhood. It is believed that Lord Krishna was raised there in the cow-herding village of Gokula by His foster parents .
Upset by the various bad happenings,The falling of the trees and other such incidents, which had disturbed the minds of the Gopas, who felt these, were bad omens, as they were not aware of Thy divine glory and power; the Yadavas decide to move out of Gokulashift to Vrindavana (literally forest of Thulasi) near the Govardhana mountain as well as on the banks of river Yamuna.. Krishna likes the new place and started wandering here and therewith other cowherd boys in grazing the calves.

The name 'Vrindavan' is a derivative of the term 'Vrinda', which is akin to Tulsi plant that grows profusely throughout the length and breadth of the city. Legend says that the entire surroundings were a tulsi coppice at one time. Some others believe that the term Vrindavan stands for Vrinda devi, one among the milkmaids.

Nandagrama, Vrindavan. Place where Krishna played His childhood pastimes(Courtesy Google image)