Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 10
यद्यपाशसुगमो विभो भवान् संयत: किमु सपाशयाऽनया ।
एवमादि दिविजैरभिष्टुतो वातनाथ परिपाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥
yadyapaasha sugamO vibhO bhavaan sanyataH kimu sapaashayaa(a)nayaa |
evamaadi divijai-rabhiShTutO vaatanaatha paripaahi maam gadaat || 10
evamaadi divijai-rabhiShTutO vaatanaatha paripaahi maam gadaat || 10
Oh Lord ! The gods in the heaven praised you,“Oh godOnly those who have cut the rope,(pasa), of materialdesire, are able to attain Thee easily; then how could Yasoda bind Thee with the rope(pasa) of worldly attachment? Oh Guruvayurappa ! May Thou save me from my ailments.