Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 02
अर्धपीतकुचकुड्मले त्वयि स्निग्धहासमधुराननाम्बुजे ।
दुग्धमीश दहने परिस्रुतं धर्तुमाशु जननी जगाम ते ॥२॥
ardhapiita kuchakuDmale tvayi snigdhahaasa madhuraananaambuje |
dugdhamiisha dahane parisrutaM dhartumaashu jananii jagaama te ||2
dugdhamiisha dahane parisrutaM dhartumaashu jananii jagaama te ||2
Oh Lord ! When Thou wert happily engaged in sucking her breasts, which were like lotus buds, with a charming smile playing on the sweet lotus like face. Just then, Thy mother went away in a haste to quickly hold the milk which had overflow on the fire.