Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 06
अपि मृल्लवदर्शनोत्सुकां जननीं तां बहु तर्पयन्निव ।
पृथिवीं निखिलां न केवलं भुवनान्यप्यखिलान्यदीदृश: ॥६॥
api mR^illavadarshanOtsukaaM jananiiM taaM bahu tarpayanniva |
pR^ithiviiM nikhilaaM na kevalaM bhuvanaanyapyakhilaanyadiidR^ishaH || 6
pR^ithiviiM nikhilaaM na kevalaM bhuvanaanyapyakhilaanyadiidR^ishaH || 6
Thy mother was eager to see just a trace of mud in Thy mouth. As though to please her, and to give her abundant satisfaction Thou showed her in Thy mouth not only this whole earth but the entire universe.