Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 02
[gd2]पुनरप्यथ बालकै: समं त्वयि लीलानिरते जगत्पते ।
फलसञ्चयवञ्चनक्रुधा तव मृद्भोजनमूचुरर्भका: ॥२॥[/hd2]
punarapyatha baalakaiH samaM tvayi liilaanirate jagatpate |
phalasa~nchayava~nchanakrudhaa tava mR^idbhOjanamuuchurarbhakaaH || 2
phalasa~nchayava~nchanakrudhaa tava mR^idbhOjanamuuchurarbhakaaH || 2
Oh Lord of the universe , at another time ,When you were playing with your friends, , pluckingfruits, cheated them and ate the fruits gathered by them. Angry with Thee, they went and complained to your mother that you ate mud.