Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:11
shaakhaagera(a)tha vidhuM vilOkya phalamityambaaM cha taataM muhuH
sampraarthyaatha tadaa tadiiyavachasaa prOtkshiptabaahau tvayi |
chitraM deva shashii sa te karamagaatkiM bruumahe sampatajjyOtirmaNDalapuuritaakhilavapuH
praagaa viraaDruupataam ||
sampraarthyaatha tadaa tadiiyavachasaa prOtkshiptabaahau tvayi |
chitraM deva shashii sa te karamagaatkiM bruumahe sampatajjyOtirmaNDalapuuritaakhilavapuH
praagaa viraaDruupataam ||
Once, seeing the moon above the trees, Thou, thinking it to be a fruit, pestered Thy parents to get it for Thee and being told by them in sport, to ask it to come down, and behold, the moon descended straight into Thy hands as also the entire collection of stars with which Thou attained Thy Virat Purusha form.