Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 08
[hd2]जेष्यति बहुतरदैत्यान् नेष्यति निजबन्धुलोकममलपदम् ।
श्रोष्यसि सुविमलकीर्तीरस्येति भवद्विभूतिमृषिरूचे ॥८॥[/hd]
jeShyati bahutaradaityaan neShyati nijabandhulOkaM amalapadam |
shrOShyati suvimalakiirtiirasyeti bhavadvibhuutiM R^iShiruuche ||
shrOShyati suvimalakiirtiirasyeti bhavadvibhuutiM R^iShiruuche ||
He will conquer many Asuras and will take his own people to the realms of purity. You will have occassions to hear of his untainted pure fame.' Thus the sage spoke of Thy greatness.