Dasakam: 043 -- Shlokam: 03
द्रष्टुं किमप्यकुशले पशुपाललोके ।
हा बालकस्य किमिति त्वदुपान्तमाप्ता
माता भवन्तमविलोक्य भृशं रुरोद ॥३॥
[link]uddaamapaamsu timiraahata dR^iShTipaate
draShTuM kimapyakushale pashupaala lOke |
haa baalakasya kimiti tvadupaantamaaptaa
maataa bhavantamavilOkya bhR^ishaM rurOda ||[/linki]
The people of Gokula could see nothing due to the darkness caused by the thick cloudof dust everywhere. Thy mother mother was full of worry, not finding Thee, where she had left Thee, criedbitterly and loudly.3