Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 10
अनोनिलीन: किल हन्तुमागत: सुरारिरेवं भवता विहिंसित: ।
रजोऽपि नो दृष्टममुष्य तत्कथं स शुद्धसत्त्वे त्वयि लीनवान् ध्रुवम् ॥१०॥
anOniliinaH kila hantumaagataH suraarirevaM bhavataa vihimsitaH |
rajO(a)pi nO dR^iShTamamuShya tatkathaM sa shuddhasattve tvayi liinavaandhruvam || 10
rajO(a)pi nO dR^iShTamamuShya tatkathaM sa shuddhasattve tvayi liinavaandhruvam || 10
The demon who came in the disguise of a cart to kill Thee, was himself destroyed byThee. How come even the dust of his body was not to be seen? Most certainly, hemust have been absorbed in Thy Sublime Purity.