Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 07
भिया तदा किञ्चिदजानतामिदं कुमारकाणामतिदुर्घटं वच: ।
भवत्प्रभावाविदुरैरितीरितं मनागिवाशङ्क्यत दृष्टपूतनै: ॥७॥
bhiyaa tadaa kinchidajaanataamidaM kumaarakaaNaaM atidurghaTaM vachaH |
bhavatprabhaavaavidurairitiiritaM manaagivaashankyata dR^iShTapuutanaiH || 7
bhavatprabhaavaavidurairitiiritaM manaagivaashankyata dR^iShTapuutanaiH || 7
The people assembled there knew little of Thy greatness. So they treated the children'sversion of the episode as an outcome of their fear and ignorance, and dismissed itlightly as unlikely and unreliable. But those (like Nanda), who had seen Poothana,suspected that there may be something amiss.