Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 06
कुमारकस्यास्य पयोधरार्थिन: प्ररोदने लोलपदाम्बुजाहतम् ।
मया मया दृष्टमनो विपर्यगादितीश ते पालकबालका जगु: ॥६॥
kumaarakasyaasya payOdharaarthinaH prarOdane lOlapadaambujaahatam |
mayaa mayaa dR^iShTamanO viparyagaaditiisha te paalaka baalakaa jaguH || 6
mayaa mayaa dR^iShTamanO viparyagaaditiisha te paalaka baalakaa jaguH || 6
Oh Lord ! The children who had been taking care of Thee, averred that the baby, cryingfor breast milk, had kicked the cart with its beautiful lotus feet and thus the cart was upset and fell down and that they had all seen it happen.