Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 03
ततस्तदाकर्णनसम्भ्रमश्रमप्रकम्पिवक्षोजभरा व्रजाङ्गना: ।
भवन्तमन्तर्ददृशुस्समन्ततो विनिष्पतद्दारुणदारुमध्यगम् ॥३॥
tatastadaakarNana sambhrama shrama prakampi vakshOjabharaa vrajaanganaaH |
bhavantamantardadR^ishussamantatO viniShpataddaaruNa daarumadhyagam || 3
bhavantamantardadR^ishussamantatO viniShpataddaaruNa daarumadhyagam || 3
Then hearing the terrific sound, frightened, the Gopikas came running with their heavy breasts heaving because of the effort and anxiety. They saw Thee lying amongst the frightful big pieces of broken wood strewn all around.