Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 04
मदङ्गसङ्गस्य फलं न दूरे क्षणेन तावत् भवतामपि स्यात् ।
इत्युल्लपन् वल्लवतल्लजेभ्य: त्वं पूतनामातनुथा: सुगन्धिम् ॥४॥
madangasangasya phalaM na duure kshaNena taavad bhavataamapi syaat |
ityullapanvallavatallajebhya-stvaM puutanaamaatanuthaassugandhim || 4
ityullapanvallavatallajebhya-stvaM puutanaamaatanuthaassugandhim || 4
By imparting fragrance to Poothana's body, Thou hinted to the wise cowherds that thefruit of Thy touch, was not far away, but easily accessible and it would soon be theirs too. The conferring of fragrance / blessings on Pootanaa was, as though, to prove that.