Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 07
उद्वाहावसितौ तदीयसहज: कंसोऽथ सम्मानय-
न्नेतौ सूततया गत: पथि रथे व्योमोत्थया त्वद्गिरा ।
अस्यास्त्वामतिदुष्टमष्टमसुतो हन्तेति हन्तेरित:
सन्त्रासात् स तु हन्तुमन्तिकगतां तन्वीं कृपाणीमधात् ॥७॥
udvaahaavasitautadiiya sahajaH kamsO(a)tha sammaanayan
etau suutatayaa gataH pathi rathe vyOmOtthayaa tvadgiraa |
asyaastvaamatiduShTamaShTamasutO hanteti hanteritaH
santraasaatsa tu hantumantikagataaM tanviiM kR^ipaaNiimadhaat ||7
etau suutatayaa gataH pathi rathe vyOmOtthayaa tvadgiraa |
asyaastvaamatiduShTamaShTamasutO hanteti hanteritaH
santraasaatsa tu hantumantikagataaM tanviiM kR^ipaaNiimadhaat ||7
When the marriage ceremony was over Devaki's brother Kansa, in wishing to honour the couple ;he became their charioteer and took to the road in the chariot. Rising from the sky Thy voice said, "You who are very wicked will be killed by her eighth son." Alas! Thus spoken, out of great fear, he then drew his sword to kill the Devaki, who was sitting nearby.