Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 05
जाने दीनदशामहं दिविषदां भूमेश्च भीमैर्नृपै-
स्तत्क्षेपाय भवामि यादवकुले सोऽहं समग्रात्मना ।
देवा वृष्णिकुले भवन्तु कलया देवाङ्गनाश्चावनौ
मत्सेवार्थमिति त्वदीयवचनं पाथोजभूरूचिवान् ॥५॥
jaane diinadashaamahaM diviShadaaM bhuumeshcha bhiimairnR^ipaistatkshepaayabhavaami
yaadavakule sO(a)haM samagraatmanaa |
devaa vR^iShNikule bhavantu kalayaa devaanganaashchaavanau
matsevaarthamiti tvadiiya vachanaM paathOjabhuuruuchivaan ||5
yaadavakule sO(a)haM samagraatmanaa |
devaa vR^iShNikule bhavantu kalayaa devaanganaashchaavanau
matsevaarthamiti tvadiiya vachanaM paathOjabhuuruuchivaan ||5
I know the sad state of the gods and of the Earth caused by the cruel kings. For its removal I shall be born in the Yaadava clan with all My powers (as a complete incarnation). The gods may be born in the Vrishni clan as part incarnation, and the wives of the Devas also will be born on the Earth to serve me." Thus Thy words Brahmaa told to the Devas and the Earth