Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 03
ऊचे चाम्बुजभूरमूनयि सुरा: सत्यं धरित्र्या वचो
नन्वस्या भवतां च रक्षणविधौ दक्षो हि लक्ष्मीपति: ।
सर्वे शर्वपुरस्सरा वयमितो गत्वा पयोवारिधिं
नत्वा तं स्तुमहे जवादिति ययु: साकं तवाकेतनम् ॥३॥
uuche chaambuja bhuuramuunayi suraaH satyaM dharitryaa vachO
nanvasyaa bhavataaM cha rakshaNavidhau dakshO hi lakshmiipatiH |
sarve sharvapurassaraa vayamitO gatvaa payO vaaridhiM
natvaa taM stumahe javaaditi yayussaakaM tavaaketanam ||3
nanvasyaa bhavataaM cha rakshaNavidhau dakshO hi lakshmiipatiH |
sarve sharvapurassaraa vayamitO gatvaa payO vaaridhiM
natvaa taM stumahe javaaditi yayussaakaM tavaaketanam ||3
[din5]Presently, the lotus born Brahmaa agreeing with Goddess Earth, about her sorrowful condition, told to the Devas that what the Mother Earth was saying was indeed true. In the matter of the protection of the Devas and the Earth, Maha Vishnu alone was capable. So all of them and Brahmaa, led by Shiva would quickly go from there to the Milky Ocean to worship Thee[/div5]