Dasakam: 035 -- Shlokam: 04
त्वं सुग्रीवाङ्गदादिप्रबलकपिचमूचक्रविक्रान्तभूमी-
चक्रोऽभिक्रम्य पारेजलधि निशिचरेन्द्रानुजाश्रीयमाण: ।
तत्प्रोक्तां शत्रुवार्तां रहसि निशमयन् प्रार्थनापार्थ्यरोष-
प्रास्ताग्नेयास्त्रतेजस्त्रसदुदधिगिरा लब्धवान् मध्यमार्गम् ॥४॥
tvaM sugriivaangadaadi prabala kapichamuu chakra vikraantabhuumiichakrO(
a)bhikramya paarejaladhi nishicharendraanujaa shriiyamaaNaH |
tatprOktaaM shatruvaartaaM rahasi nishamayan praarthanaapaarthya rOShapraastaagneyaastra
tejastrasadudadhigiraa labdhavaan madhyamaargam ||4
a)bhikramya paarejaladhi nishicharendraanujaa shriiyamaaNaH |
tatprOktaaM shatruvaartaaM rahasi nishamayan praarthanaapaarthya rOShapraastaagneyaastra
tejastrasadudadhigiraa labdhavaan madhyamaargam ||4
Thou set out with a huge army of monkeys led by great warriors Sugreeva, Angad and others and conquering the whole earth reached the shore of the ocean. Raavana's younger brother Vibheeshana, crossed over to Thy side, and taking refuge in Thee, disclosed the secrets of the enemy which Thou heard in secret. When the requests made to the ocean diety were in vain, in anger Thou sent the fire missile to annihilate the waters of the ocean. Frightened by the power of the missile, as ordered by the ocean diety, Thou got a way through the ocean.