Dasakam32 Shlokam: 03
क्षिप्तं जले त्वां चकितं विलोक्य निन्येऽम्बुपात्रेण मुनि: स्वगेहम् ।
स्वल्पैरहोभि: कलशीं च कूपं वापीं सरश्चानशिषे विभो त्वम् ॥३॥
kshiptaM jale tvaaM chakitaM vilOkya ninye(a)mbu paatreNa muniH svageham |
svalpairahObhiH kalashiiM cha kuupaM vaapiiM sarashchaanashiShe vibhO
tvam || 3
svalpairahObhiH kalashiiM cha kuupaM vaapiiM sarashchaanashiShe vibhO
tvam || 3
Oh Thou Omnipresent One ! Seeing Thee trembling as if in fear, when put back in thewater, the royal sage took Thee home in his water bowl; in a few days time Thou grew in size to fill the water bowl and then to the size of a well, still again to the size of a tank and finally Thou fish big enough to fill a lake