Ramayana Proof & Evidences
Ravana was the King of Sri lanka and nine other kingdoms. Sri Lanka was then ruled by Naga, Devas, Yaksh & Gandharva. They all worshipped Sun God and were unified together as 'Sivhala' by King Ravana. Ravana chose this name as he wthe great devotee of Lord Shiva. Sivhala means 'Devotees of Lord Shiva'. Over the time, sivhala become sinhala.
This temple is a unique temple and was gifted by Lord Shiva to Ravana for his ardent devotion.

Statue of Ravana at the temple.

This is the place where Sitadevi was kept in queen Mandothari's palace until she was moved to Sita Kotua and then on to Ashoka Vatika.

The barren land atop of the mountain range is believed to be the route in which King Ravana took Sitadevi from his capital city Lankapura to Ashoka Vatika, which was a paradise on earth. Till date no vegetation grows on this passage except grass.

The Sita tear pond is found en route by the chariot route, is believed to have been formed by the tears of Sitadevi and has not dried up since, even during severe droughts when the adjoining rivers dry up.

These flowers are called Sita flowers. The peculiarity of these flowers is the configuration of the petal's, stamen and pistil's, which resemble a human figure carrying a bow, and is said to represent Lord Rama. These flowers are unique only to this area in the whole of Sri Lanka.

On the othere side is a rock with an imprint of giant foot and it is that of Lord Hanuman who landed on this rock who came in search of Sita devi.

This is the place where Rama asked Sita devi to undergo agni (fire) paritchai (test) to test her purity. This place know as Divurmpola (means ‘place of oath’).

This is a two sided axe which was found recently in sri lanka. The researchers believed that this is a part of the pushpaka vimana used by ravana.

Ravana was the King of Sri lanka and nine other kingdoms. Sri Lanka was then ruled by Naga, Devas, Yaksh & Gandharva. They all worshipped Sun God and were unified together as 'Sivhala' by King Ravana. Ravana chose this name as he wthe great devotee of Lord Shiva. Sivhala means 'Devotees of Lord Shiva'. Over the time, sivhala become sinhala.
This temple is a unique temple and was gifted by Lord Shiva to Ravana for his ardent devotion.

Statue of Ravana at the temple.

This is the place where Sitadevi was kept in queen Mandothari's palace until she was moved to Sita Kotua and then on to Ashoka Vatika.

The barren land atop of the mountain range is believed to be the route in which King Ravana took Sitadevi from his capital city Lankapura to Ashoka Vatika, which was a paradise on earth. Till date no vegetation grows on this passage except grass.

The Sita tear pond is found en route by the chariot route, is believed to have been formed by the tears of Sitadevi and has not dried up since, even during severe droughts when the adjoining rivers dry up.

These flowers are called Sita flowers. The peculiarity of these flowers is the configuration of the petal's, stamen and pistil's, which resemble a human figure carrying a bow, and is said to represent Lord Rama. These flowers are unique only to this area in the whole of Sri Lanka.

On the othere side is a rock with an imprint of giant foot and it is that of Lord Hanuman who landed on this rock who came in search of Sita devi.

This is the place where Rama asked Sita devi to undergo agni (fire) paritchai (test) to test her purity. This place know as Divurmpola (means ‘place of oath’).

This is a two sided axe which was found recently in sri lanka. The researchers believed that this is a part of the pushpaka vimana used by ravana.