Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 07
त्यक्त्वा तं हतमाशु रक्तलहरीसिक्तोन्नमद्वर्ष्मणि
प्रत्युत्पत्य समस्तदैत्यपटलीं चाखाद्यमाने त्वयि ।
भ्राम्यद्भूमि विकम्पिताम्बुधिकुलं व्यालोलशैलोत्करं
प्रोत्सर्पत्खचरं चराचरमहो दु:स्थामवस्थां दधौ ॥७॥
tyaktvaa taM hatamaashu raktalahariisiktOnnamadvarShmaNi
pratyutpatya samasta daityapaTaliiM chaakhaadyamaane tvayi |
bhraamyadbhuumi vikampitaambudhikulaM vyaalOlashailOtkaraM
prOtsarpatkhacharaM charaacharamahO duHsthaamavasthaaM dadhau ||
pratyutpatya samasta daityapaTaliiM chaakhaadyamaane tvayi |
bhraamyadbhuumi vikampitaambudhikulaM vyaalOlashailOtkaraM
prOtsarpatkhacharaM charaacharamahO duHsthaamavasthaaM dadhau ||
Abondoning the dead Asura, Thou sprang up hastily with Thy gigantic body bathed in blood and started eating up the entire host of Asuras. O What a wonder! All the worlds whirled, the oceans got turbulent, the mountains trembled, the stars and celestial luminaries and all animate and inanimate things got scattered. Universe, affecting both movable and immovable objects .A state of total and unbearable chaos took over