Dasakam: 23-- Shlokam: 05

तं नारदस्तु सममङ्गिरसा दयालु:
सम्प्राप्य तावदुपदर्श्य सुतस्य जीवम् ।
कस्यास्मि पुत्र इति तस्य गिरा विमोहं
त्यक्त्वा त्वदर्चनविधौ नृपतिं न्ययुङ्क्त ॥५॥

The merciful Naarada and sage Angirasa went to Chitraketu and showed him the soul of his dead son. The soul asked 'whose son am I?' These words dispelled the king's delusion. The sages then instructed him in the ways of Thy worship