Dasakam: 022 -- Shlokam: 08
अनेन भो जन्मसहस्रकोटिभि:
कृतेषु पापेष्वपि निष्कृति: कृता ।
यदग्रहीन्नाम भयाकुलो हरे-
रिति प्रभो त्वत्पुरुषा बभाषिरे ॥८॥
anena bhO janmasahasrakOTibhiH
kR^iteShu paapeShvapi niShkR^itiH kR^itaa |
yadagrahiinnaama bhayaakulO hareriti
prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||
kR^iteShu paapeShvapi niShkR^itiH kR^itaa |
yadagrahiinnaama bhayaakulO hareriti
prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||
Thy attendants told the messengers of Yama that even though Ajamila called out thename of Hari in fear, the very fact that he uttered the name of the Lord was atonementenough for the sins committed by him even in a thousand crore yearsO Lord! Thy emissaries told them that even if the chanting of The Name of Mukund is done unknowingly, by the human beings, it burns up all their sins. Its glory is like that of fire burning the fuel and like the medicine curing the diease.