Dasakam: 022 -- Shlokam: 06
भवन्तु पापानि कथं तु निष्कृते
कृतेऽपि भो दण्डनमस्ति पण्डिता: ।
न निष्कृति: किं विदिता भवादृशा-
मिति प्रभो त्वत्पुरुषा बभाषिरे ॥६॥
bhavantu paapaani kathaM tu niShkR^ite
kR^ite(a)pi bhO daNDanamasti paNDitaaH |
na niShkR^itiH kiM viditaa bhavaadR^ishaamiti
prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||
kR^ite(a)pi bhO daNDanamasti paNDitaaH |
na niShkR^itiH kiM viditaa bhavaadR^ishaamiti
prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||
O Lord! Thy emissaries told them that in the Srutis and Smritis as per the vows which are laid down, they absolve a person from sins, but do not curb the sinful tendency. Whereas, the service of the Lord! Destroys both - the sins and the sinful tendencies.