Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 09
श्रीनारदेन सह भारतखण्डमुख्यै-
स्त्वं साङ्ख्ययोगनुतिभि: समुपास्यमान: ।
आकल्पकालमिह साधुजनाभिरक्षी
नारायणो नरसख: परिपाहि भूमन् ॥९॥
shriinaaradena saha bhaaratakhaNDamukhyai
stvaM saankhyayOganutibhiH samupaasyamaanaH |
aakalpakaalamiha saadhujanaabhirakshii
naaraayaNO narasakhaH paripaahi bhuuman || 9
stvaM saankhyayOganutibhiH samupaasyamaanaH |
aakalpakaalamiha saadhujanaabhirakshii
naaraayaNO narasakhaH paripaahi bhuuman || 9
Oh Thou of Absolute Form !Thou who art praised and worshipped by sage Narada andall other prominent devotees of the Bharatakhanda region with hymns of glory in the Sankhya and yoga methods,. In Bhaaratavarsha as Naaraayana with Nara as companion, Thou do reside till Pralaya (deluge) time, for the protection of the virtuous.. Thou who incarnated as Narayana with Thy companion Nara, May Thou,Oh Lord save me.