Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 07
किञ्चोत्तरेषु कुरुषु प्रियया धरण्या
संसेवितो महितमन्त्रनुतिप्रभेदै: ।
त्वं पाहि बिज्ञनुत यज्ञवराहमूर्ते ॥७॥
kiM chOttareShu kuruShu priyayaa dharaNyaa
samsevitOmahitamantranuti prabhedaiH |
danShTraagraghR^iShTaghanapR^iShTha gariShThavarShmaa
tvaM paahi vij~nanuta yaj~navaraahamuurte || 7
samsevitOmahitamantranuti prabhedaiH |
danShTraagraghR^iShTaghanapR^iShTha gariShThavarShmaa
tvaM paahi vij~nanuta yaj~navaraahamuurte || 7
Oh Yajnavarahamurthi ! Thou who took the form of the divine boar and art the embodiment of sacrifice, , Thou are worshipped by Thy dear consort the Earth, with the utterences of holy Mantras and hymns of praise. Thou are adored by the wise in the form of Yanjya Varaaha (the divine boar) whose gigantic body rose so high that the tusks' edges rubbed against the clouds, I bowdown to this divine Varaha form of Thine and beg Thee to save me.