Dasakam: 20-- Shlokam: 08
उक्त्वा सुतेभ्योऽथ मुनीन्द्रमध्ये
विरक्तिभक्त्यन्वितमुक्तिमार्गम् ।
स्वयं गत: पारमहंस्यवृत्ति-
मधा जडोन्मत्तपिशाचचर्याम् ॥८॥
uktvaa sutebhyO(a)tha muniindramadhye
viraktibhaktyanvitamuktimaargam |
svayaM gataH paaramahamsyavR^itti-
madhaa jaDOnmatta pishaachacharyaam || 8
viraktibhaktyanvitamuktimaargam |
svayaM gataH paaramahamsyavR^itti-
madhaa jaDOnmatta pishaachacharyaam || 8
Afterwards Thou instructed Thy sons along with the great ascetics in the path of salvation through renunciation and devotion. Then adopting the life of a total renunciate Thou moved about behaving like, a mad man or a ghost.