Dasakam: 20-- Shlokam: 04
त्वयि त्रिलोकीभृति राज्यभारं
निधाय नाभि: सह मेरुदेव्या ।
तपोवनं प्राप्य भवन्निषेवी
गत: किलानन्दपदं पदं ते ॥४॥
tvayi trilOkiibhR^iti raajyabhaaraM
nidhaaya naabhiH saha merudevyaa |
tapOvanaM praapya bhavanniShevii
gataH kilaanandapadaM padaM te || 4
nidhaaya naabhiH saha merudevyaa |
tapOvanaM praapya bhavanniShevii
gataH kilaanandapadaM padaM te || 4
Naabhi entrusted the administration of the kingdom to Thee, who are the ruler of the three worlds and went away to the forest with his wife Merudevi to lead an ascetic life. Worshipping Thee there, he attained to Thy state of Supreme Bliss