Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 04
स्तवं जपन्तस्तममी जलान्तरे
भवन्तमासेविषतायुतं समा: ।
बभूव कालो ध्रुववन्न शीघ्रता ॥४॥
stavaM japantastamamii jalaantare
bhavantamaaseviShataayutaM samaaH |
babhuuva kaalO dhruvavanna shiighrataa ||4
bhavantamaaseviShataayutaM samaaH |
babhuuva kaalO dhruvavanna shiighrataa ||4
These devotees chanting the hymn, spent ten thousand years in water, in Thy worship and meditation on Thee. As they were drowned in the nectar of Thy supreme bliss,they took a very long time to see Thee in person, unlike Dhruva,who was blessed with Thy revelation after five months of penance.