Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 08
देवेन्द्रं मुहुरिति वाजिनं हरन्तं
वह्नौ तं मुनिवरमण्डले जुहूषौ ।
रुन्धाने कमलभवे क्रतो: समाप्तौ
साक्षात्त्वं मधुरिपुमैक्षथा: स्वयं स्वम् ॥८॥
devendraM muhuriti vaajinaM harantaM
vahnau taM munivaramaNDale juhuuShau |
rundhaane kamalabhave kratOH samaaptau
saakshaattvaM madhuripumaikshathaaH svayaM svam ||8
vahnau taM munivaramaNDale juhuuShau |
rundhaane kamalabhave kratOH samaaptau
saakshaattvaM madhuripumaikshathaaH svayaM svam ||8
But Indra came back persistently and abducted the horse, time and again. Finally thegreat sages decided to make Devendra, himself the sacrificial offering, but GodBrahma stopped them from doing so. When the sacrifice was over, Thou saw Thineown self manifested in the all-pervading Vishnu form.