Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 07
आत्मानं यजति मखैस्त्वयि त्रिधाम-
न्नारब्धे शततमवाजिमेधयागे ।
स्पर्धालु: शतमख एत्य नीचवेषो
हृत्वाऽश्वं तव तनयात् पराजितोऽभूत् ॥७॥
aatmaanaM yajati makhaistvayi tridhaamannaarabdhe
shatatamavaajimedhayaage |
spardhaaluH shatamakha etya niichaveShO
hR^itvaa(a)shvaM tava tanayaat paraajitO(a)bhuut || 7
shatatamavaajimedhayaage |
spardhaaluH shatamakha etya niichaveShO
hR^itvaa(a)shvaM tava tanayaat paraajitO(a)bhuut || 7
O Lord of the three worlds! As Thou (as Prithu) were performing sacrifices to Vishnu Thyself, and were to begin the hundredth Ashwamedha Yanjya, Indra became jealous. In the guise of a lowly person he stole the Yanjya horse. He was then defeated by Thy son