Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 06
भूयस्तां निजकुलमुख्यवत्सयुक्त्यै-
र्देवाद्यै: समुचितचारुभाजनेषु ।
अन्नादीन्यभिलषितानि यानि तानि
स्वच्छन्दं सुरभितनूमदूदुहस्त्वम् ॥६॥
bhuuyastaaM nijakulamukhyavatsayuktairdevaadyaiH
samuchitachaarubhaajaneShu |
annaadiinyabhilaShitaani yaani taani
svachChandaM surabhitanuumaduuduhastvam || 6
samuchitachaarubhaajaneShu |
annaadiinyabhilaShitaani yaani taani
svachChandaM surabhitanuumaduuduhastvam || 6
Thou then made the gods and other species of beings to freely milk the Earth who had become like the celestial cow Kamadhenu, . The leaders of the different groups of gods and others acted as calves milking their desired requirements in appropriate vessels asmuch as they wanted.