Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 02प्रकृतिमहदहङ्काराश्च मात्राश्च भूता-
न्यपि हृदपि दशाक्षी पूरुष: पञ्चविंश: ।
इति विदितविभागो मुच्यतेऽसौ प्रकृत्या
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥२॥
prakR^itimahadahankaaraashcha maatraashcha bhuutaanyapi
hR^idapi dashaakshii puuruShaH pa~nchavimshaH |
iti viditavibhaagO muchyate(a)sau prakR^ityaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||
hR^idapi dashaakshii puuruShaH pa~nchavimshaH |
iti viditavibhaagO muchyate(a)sau prakR^ityaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||
There are twenty-four basic principles governing human existence in this world. Theyare Prakriti, (Primordial Nature), Mahat-tatva (the great Spirit),Ahankaara (I sense), the five Tanmaatraas (sound, smell, touch, form, taste), the five Bhootaas (subtle elements- space,air,fire, water, earth), Antahkarana (mind and its various modes), the ten Indriyaas (Organs, five of knowledge-hearing, seeing, touch, taste smell, and five of action-speech,hands,legs,anus,genitals), and Purush (Atman), these are the twentyfive categories. When the Purusha realizes the distinctiveness of these categories, he is liberated from the bondage of Pakriti.Thus Thou incarnate as Kapila, instructed Devahooti