Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 53

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 53
In this Sarga, being all by himself in a desolate Vana, with no one other than Seetā and Lakshmaṇa with him, Rāma reflects and broods over all that had happened.
The sadness of leaving her mother alone, with no one to fend for her, overtakes him. He even requests Lakshmaṇa to go back to Ayōdhyā to take care of Sumitrā and Kousalyā.
Lakshmaṇa consoles him and reiterates that neither he, nor Seetā can live without him.
2.53.1 ஸ தம் வ்ருக்ஷம் ஸமாஸாத்ய ஸந்த்யாமந்வாஸ்யபஸ்சிமாம் ।
ராமோ ரமயதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்ட இதி ஹோவாச லக்ஷ்மணம் ॥
sa taṃ vṛkṣaṃ samāsādya sandhyāmanvāsyapaṡcimām ।
rāmō ramayatāṃ ṡrēṣṭha iti hōvāca lakṣmaṇam ॥
Reaching that tree, Rāma,
the foremost of pleasing personalities,
paid salutations to sun setting in the west,
and said these words to Lakshmaṇa:
2.53.2 அத்யேயம் ப்ரதமா ராத்ரிர்யாதா ஜநபதாத்பஹி: ।
யா ஸுமந்த்ரேண ரஹிதா தாம் நோத்கண்டிதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
adyēyaṃ prathamā rātriryātā janapadādbahiḥ ।
yā sumantrēṇa rahitā tāṃ nōtkaṇṭhitumarhasi ॥
This would be the first of the nights
that we would spend outside of all human habitation
and even without the company of Sumantra.
But there shall be nothing for you to feel tensed about it.
2.53.3 ஜாகர்தவ்யமதந்த்ரிப்யாமத்யப்ரப்ருதி ராத்ரிஷு ।
யோகக்ஷேமௌ ஹி ஸீதாயா வர்தேதே லக்ஷ்மணாவயோ: ॥
jāgartavyamatandribhyāmadyaprabhṛti rātriṣu ।
yōgakṣēmau hi sītāyā vartētē lakṣmaṇāvayōḥ ॥
From today onwards, we shall be on full vigil at night.
The safety and wellbeing of Seetā depends on both of us alone.
2.53.4 ராத்ரிம் கதஞ்சிதேவேமாம் ஸௌமித்ரே வர்தயாமஹே ।
அபாவர்தாமஹே பூமாவாஸ்தீர்ய ஸ்வயமார்ஜிதை: ॥
rātriṃ kathañcidēvēmāṃ saumitrē vartayāmahē ।
apāvartāmahē bhūmāvāstīrya svayamārjitaiḥ ॥
O son of Sumitrā!
We shall pass this night somehow! We shall
cover the ground (with grass) by ourselves to lie down.
2.53.5 ஸ து ஸம்விஸ்ய மேதிந்யாம் மஹார்ஹஸயநோசித: ।
இமா: ஸௌமித்ரயே ராமோ வ்யாஜஹார கதா: ஸுபா: ॥
sa tu saṃviṡya mēdinyāṃ mahārhaṡayanōcitaḥ ।
imāḥ saumitrayē rāmō vyājahāra kathāḥ ṡubhāḥ ॥
Then he, who was used to
the most luxurious bedding,
sat down directly on the ground.
Rāma then said these well meaning words
to the son of Sumitrā:
2.53.6 த்ருவமத்ய மஹாராஜோ து:கம் ஸ்வபிதி லக்ஷ்மண! ।
க்ருதகாமா து கைகேயீ துஷ்டா பவிதுமர்ஹதி ॥
dhṛvamadya mahārājō duḥkhaṃ svapiti lakṣmaṇa! ।
kṛtakāmā tu kaikēyī tuṣṭā bhavitumarhati ॥
Tonight, O Lakshmaṇa, for sure,
the great king will sleep with grief
and Kaikēyee will be happy with her wish fulfilled.
2.53.7 ஸா ஹி தேவீ மஹாராஜம் கைகேயீ ராஜ்யகாரணாத் ।
அபி ந ச்யாவயேத்ப்ராணாந் த்ருஷ்ட்வா பரதமாகதம் ॥
sā hi dēvī mahārājaṃ kaikēyī rājyakāraṇāt ।
api na cyāvayētprāṇān dṛṣṭvā bharatamāgatam ॥
Once Bharata arrives, I hope the queen Kaikēyee
will not tear the life out of the great king
for the sake of the kingdom!
2.53.8 அநாதஸ்ச ஹி வ்ருத்தஸ்ச மயா சைவ விநாக்ருத: ।
கிம் கரிஷ்யதி காமாத்மா கைகேயீ வஸமாகத: ॥
anāthaṡca hi vṛddhaṡca mayā caiva vinākṛtaḥ ।
kiṃ kariṣyati kāmātmā kaikēyī vaṡamāgataḥ ॥
He is aged and has no one to turn to,
and even I am taken out of his life.
What can he, who fell under the
sway of Kaikēyee out of lust, do? Daṡaratha’s infatuation with Kaikēyee must have been the talk of the town for some years and there must have been some prevailing resentment about it.
That can be inferred from the many references made to it not only by Rāma, but also by Lakshmaṇa and all the people of Ayōdhyā.
Lakshmaṇa even goes so far as to suggest that this must be a well meditated plan and did not come up all of a sudden (2.23.9).
As if to give credibility to this perception, Daṡaratha goes to Kaikēyee’s palace, instead of to Kousalyā’s palace, even after announcing the installation of Rāma as the crown prince. It is only after the departure of Rāma to the Vana, that he goes to Kousalyā’s palace.
In these Ṡlōkas also, Rāma blames the turn of events to be the making of Kaikēyee and Daṡaratha’s infatuation with her, even though, in the big scheme of things, he acknowledges that it is the will of Providence (2.22.15).
2.53.9 இதம் வ்யஸநமாலோக்ய ராஜ்ஞஸ்ச மதிவிப்ரமம் ।
காம ஏவார்த தர்மாப்யாம் கரீயாநிதி மே மதி: ॥
idaṃ vyasanamālōkya rājñaṡca mativibhramam ।
kāma ēvārtha dharmābhyāṃ garīyāniti mē matiḥ ॥
Seeing this calamity and the
aberration in the mind of the king,
I cannot help but think that
Kāma is more powerful than Artha and Dharma.
2.53.10 கோ ஹ்யவித்வாநபி புமாந் ப்ரமதாயா: க்ருதே த்யஜேத் ।
சந்தாநுவர்திநம் புத்ரம் தாதோ மாமிவ லக்ஷ்மண ॥
kō hyavidvānapi pumān pramadāyāḥ kṛtē tyajēt ।
chandānuvartinaṃ putraṃ tātō māmiva lakṣmaṇa ॥
My dear Lakshmaṇa! How stupid a man should be,
to abandon an obedient son like me
for the sake of a woman!
2.53.11 ஸுகீ பத ஸபார்யஸ்ச பரத: கேகயீஸுத: ।
முதிதாந் கோஸலாநேகோ யோ போக்ஷ்யத்யதிராஜவத் ॥
sukhī bata sabhāryaṡca bharataḥ kēkayīsutaḥ ।
muditān kōsalānēkō yō bhōkṣyatyadhirājavat ॥
Alas! Bharata, the son of Kaikēyee,
would be the only one, along with his wife,
that enjoys the jolly kingdom of Kōsala, like a sovereign!
2.53.12 ஸ ஹி ஸர்வஸ்ய ராஜ்யஸ்ய முகமேகம் பவிஷ்யதி ।
தாதே ச வயஸாऽதீதே மயி சாரண்யமாஸ்திதே ॥
sa hi sarvasya rājyasya mukhamēkaṃ bhaviṣyati ।
tātē ca vayasā'tītē mayi cāraṇyamāsthitē ॥
With father being too old
and me being away in the forest,
he will become the sole face of the kingdom.
2.53.13 அர்ததர்மௌ பரித்யஜ்ய ய காமமநுவர்ததே ।
ஏவமாபத்யதே க்ஷிப்ரம் ராஜா தஸரதோ யதா ॥
arthadharmau parityajya ya kāmamanuvartatē ।
ēvamāpadyatē kṣipraṃ rājā daṡarathō yathā ॥
Whoever follows Kāma, keeping aside Artha and Dharma,
will, in no time, perish like king Daṡaratha.
2.53.14 மந்யே தஸரதாந்தாய மம ப்ரவ்ராஜநாய ச ।
கைகேயீ ஸௌம்ய ஸம்ப்ராப்தா ராஜ்யாய பரதஸ்ய ச ॥
manyē daṡarathāntāya mama pravrājanāya ca ।
kaikēyī saumya samprāptā rājyāya bharatasya ca ॥
O gentle one! I have to think that Kaikēyee came along
for nothing other than the destruction of Daṡaratha,
for my exile and for bringing the rule of Bharata!
2.53.15 அபீதாநீம் து கைகேயீ ஸௌபாக்யமதமோஹிதா ।
கௌஸல்யாம் ச ஸுமித்ராம் ச ஸம்ப்ரபாதேத மத்க்ருதே ॥
apīdānīṃ tu kaikēyī saubhāgyamadamōhitā ।
kausalyāṃ ca sumitrāṃ ca samprabādhēta matkṛtē ॥
How can one say Kaikēyee,
intoxicated by her good fortune,
will now not make life miserable for
Kousalyā and Sumitrā, because of me?
2.53.16 மா ஸ்ம மத்காரணாத்தேவீ ஸுமித்ரா து:கமாவஸேத் ।
அயோத்யாமித ஏவ த்வம் கால்யே ப்ரவிஸ லக்ஷ்மண ॥
mā sma matkāraṇāddēvī sumitrā duḥkhamāvasēt ।
ayōdhyāmita ēva tvaṃ kālyē praviṡa lakṣmaṇa ॥
Let the lady Sumitrā not be put to suffering because of me.
Go to Ayōdhyā in the morning straight from here, O Lakshmaṇa!
2.53.17 அஹமேகோ கமிஷ்யாமி ஸீதயா ஸஹ தண்டகாந் ।
அநாதாயா ஹி நாதஸ்த்வம் கௌஸல்யாயா பவிஷ்யஸி ॥
ahamēkō gamiṣyāmi sītayā saha daṇḍakān ।
anāthāyā hi nāthastvaṃ kausalyāyā bhaviṣyasi ॥
I will go alone to Daṇḍaka, along with Seetā.
May you be the guardian for Kousalyā,
who has no one left to care for her.
2.53.18 க்ஷுத்ரகர்மா ஹி கைகேயீ த்வேஷ்யமந்யாய்யமாசரேத் ।
பரிதத்யாஹி தர்மஜ்ஞே பரதே மம மாதரம் ॥
kṣudrakarmā hi kaikēyī dvēṣyamanyāyyamācarēt ।
paridadyāhi dharmajñē bharatē mama mātaram ॥
Kaikēyee, being the vile one she is,
can be expected to be detestably unfair.
You must put my mother under the
direct protection of Bharata who knows Dharma. Even at a moment of dejection like this, Rāma does not fail to show confidence in Bharata.
2.53.19 நூநம் ஜாத்யந்தரே கஸ்மிந் ஸ்த்ரிய: புத்ரைர்வியோஜிதா: ।
ஜநந்யா மம ஸௌமித்ரே தஸ்மாதேததுபஸ்திதம் ॥
nūnaṃ jātyantarē kasmin striyaḥ putrairviyōjitāḥ ।
jananyā mama saumitrē tasmādētadupasthitam ॥
My mother, in some other former life,
must have separated women from their sons,
and hence this must be the consequence, O son of Sumitrā!
2.53.20 மயா ஹி சிரபுஷ்டேந துகஸம்வர்திதேந ச ।
விப்ரயுஜ்யத கௌஸல்யா பலகாலே திகஸ்து மாம் ॥
mayā hi cirapuṣṭēna dukhasaṃvardhitēna ca ।
viprayujyata kausalyā phalakālē dhigastu mām ॥
Kousalyā, having nourished me so long
and taken so much pains to bring me up,
has had me taken away from her,
just when she might have hoped to reap the fruit.
Shame on me!
2.53.21 மா ஸ்ம ஸீமந்திநீ காசிஜ்ஜநயேத்புத்ரமீத்ருஸம் ।
ஸௌமித்ரே யோऽஹமம்பாயா தத்மி ஸோகமநந்தகம் ॥
mā sma sīmantinī kācijjanayētputramīdṛṡam ।
saumitrē yō'hamambāyā dadmi ṡōkamanantakam ॥
May no fertile woman give birth to such a son as me,
who has brought such an endless grief upon his mother,
O son of Sumitrā!
2.53.22 மந்யே ப்ரீதிவிஸிஷ்டா ஸா மத்தோ லக்ஷ்மண ஸாரிகா ।
யஸ்யாஸ்தச்ச்ரூயதே வாக்யம் ஸுக பாதமரேர்தஸ ॥
manyē prītiviṡiṣṭā sā mattō lakṣmaṇa ṡārikā ।
yasyāstacchrūyatē vākyaṃ ṡuka pādamarērdaṡa ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! I consider that the Ṡarika bird that shouted,
‘O parrot, bite the foot of the enemy!’
showed more love than I did.
2.53.23 ஸோசந்த்யா அல்பபாக்யாயா ந கிஞ்சிதுபகுர்வதா ।
புத்ரேண கிமபுத்ராயா மயா கார்யமரிந்தம ॥
ṡōcantyā alpabhāgyāyā na kiñcidupakurvatā ।
putrēṇa kimaputrāyā mayā kāryamarindama ॥
Of what earthly use am I,
a son, who has done so little,
to that grieving woman of little fortune,
who has no sons now, O harrier of the foe?
2.53.24 அல்பபாக்யா ஹி மே மாதா கௌஸல்யா ரஹிதா மயா ।
ஸேதே பரமது:கார்தா பதிதா ஸோகஸாகரே ॥
alpabhāgyā hi mē mātā kausalyā rahitā mayā ।
ṡētē paramaduḥkhārtā patitā ṡōkasāgarē ॥
Scant, indeed, are the fortunes of
my mother Kousalyā, without me!
With measureless grief, she must be lying,
plunged in an ocean of misery.
2.53.25 ஏகோ ஹ்யஹமயோத்யாம் ச ப்ருதிவீம் சாபி லக்ஷ்மண ।
தரேயமிஷுபி: க்ருத்தோ நநு வீர்யமகாரணம் ॥
ēkō hyahamayōdhyāṃ ca pṛthivīṃ cāpi lakṣmaṇa ।
tarēyamiṣubhiḥ kruddhō nanu vīryamakāraṇam ॥
Single-handedly, with my arrows, O Lakshmaṇa,
I can take over Ayōdhyā, nay, the entire earth,
if I were to become angry enough.
But there must be a reason for a show of strength.
2.53.26 அதர்மபயபீதஸ்ச பரலோகஸ்ய சாநக ।
தேந லக்ஷ்மண நாத்யாஹ மாத்மாநமபிஷேசயே ॥
adharmabhayabhītaṡca paralōkasya cānagha ।
tēna lakṣmaṇa nādyāha mātmānamabhiṣēcayē ॥
O sinless Lakshmaṇa!
For fear of not following Dharma
and for fear of the world beyond,
I am not consecrating myself (as the king)!
2.53.27 ஏததந்யஸ்ச கருணம் விலப்ய விஜநே வநே ।
அஸ்ருபூர்ணமுகோ ராமோ நிஸி தூஷ்ணீமுபாவிஸத் ॥
ētadanyaṡca karuṇaṃ vilapya vijanē vanē ।
aṡrupūrṇamukhō rāmō niṡi tūṣṇīmupāviṡat ॥
Having spoken of these and many other things
in words of piteous lamentation,
Rāma, his face covered with tears,
sat silently in that desolate Vana that night.
2.53.28 விலப்யோபரதம் ராமம் கதார்சிஷமிவாநலம் ।
ஸமுத்ரமிவ நிர்வேகமாஸ்வாஸயத லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
vilapyōparataṃ rāmaṃ gatārciṣamivānalam ।
samudramiva nirvēgamāṡvāsayata lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
When Rāma had ceased lamenting,
like a fire that had died down
and a sea that had quieted down,
Lakshmaṇa consoled him (saying):
2.53.29 த்ருவமத்ய புரீ ராஜந்நயோத்யாயுதிநாம் வர ।
நிஷ்ப்ரபா த்வயி நிஷ்க்ராந்தே கதசந்த்ரேவ ஸர்வரீ ॥
dhruvamadya purī rājannayōdhyāyudhināṃ vara ।
niṣprabhā tvayi niṣkrāntē gatacandrēva ṡarvarī ॥
O King, O foremost of warriors!
The city of Ayōdhyā, with you gone away, will,
without a doubt, look shorn of her splendor today,
like a night without the moon.
2.53.30 நைததௌபயிகம் ராம யதிதம் பரிதப்யதே ।
விஷாதயஸி ஸீதாம் ச மாம் சைவ புருஷர்ஷப ॥
naitadaupayikaṃ rāma yadidaṃ paritapyatē ।
viṣādayasi sītāṃ ca māṃ caiva puruṣarṣabha ॥
This kind of distress, O Rāma, does not befit you.
It only makes, O tiger among men, Seetā and me sad.
2.53.31 ந ச ஸீதா த்வயா ஹீநா ந சாஹமபி ராகவ ।
முஹூர்தமபி ஜீவாவோ ஜலாந்மத்ஸ்யாவிநோத்த்ருதௌ ॥
na ca sītā tvayā hīnā na cāhamapi rāghava ।
muhūrtamapi jīvāvō jalānmatsyāvinōddhṛtau ॥
Neither Seetā nor I, O Rāghava,
can live without you, even for a moment,
any more than a fish taken out of the water.
2.53.32 நஹி தாதம் ந ஸத்ருக்நம் ந ஸுமித்ராம் பரந்தப ।
த்ரஷ்டுமிச்சேயமத்யாஹம் ஸ்வர்கம் சாபி த்வயா விநா ॥
nahi tātaṃ na ṡatrughnaṃ na sumitrāṃ parantapa ।
draṣṭumicchēyamadyāhaṃ svargaṃ cāpi tvayā vinā ॥
Neither father nor Ṡatrughna, nor Sumitrā, nor heaven itself
O harrier of the foe, do I wish to see, this day, without you.
2.53.33 ததஸ்தத்ர ஸுகாஸீநௌ நாதிதூரே நிரீக்ஷ்ய தாம் ।
ந்யக்ரோதே ஸுக்ருதாம் ஸய்யாம் பேஜாதே தர்மவத்ஸலௌ ॥
tatastatra sukhāsīnau nātidūrē nirīkṣya tām ।
nyagrōdhē sukṛtāṃ ṡayyāṃ bhējātē dharmavatsalau ॥
Having sat there for some time quietly,
the two, who loved Dharma dearly,
saw the well-made bed under the banyan tree nearby
and went and lay down on it.
2.53.34 ஸ லக்ஷ்மணஸ்யோத்தமபுஷ்கலம் வசோ
நிஸம்ய சைவம் வநவாஸமாதராத் ।
ஸமா: ஸமஸ்தா விததே பரந்தப:
ப்ரபத்ய தர்மம் ஸுசிராய ராகவ: ॥
sa lakṣmaṇasyōttamapuṣkalaṃ vacō
niṡamya caivaṃ vanavāsamādarāt ।
samāḥ samastā vidadhē parantapaḥ
prapadya dharmaṃ sucirāya rāghavaḥ ॥
Appreciating those well meaning words of Lakshmaṇa,
Rāghava, harrier of the foe, focused his mind
on completing the many years of life in Vana ahead
in accordance with Dharma.
2.53.35 ததஸ்து தஸ்மிந் விஜநே வநே ததா
மஹாபலௌ ராகவவம்ஸவர்தநௌ ।
ந தௌ பயம் ஸம்ப்ரமமப்யுபேயது
ர்யதைவ ஸிம்ஹௌ கிரிஸாநுகோசரௌ ॥
tatastu tasmin vijanē vanē tadā
mahābalau rāghavavaṃṡavardhanau ।
na tau bhayaṃ sambhramamabhyupēyatu
ryathaiva siṃhau girisānugōcarau ॥
That Vana, as desolate as it was,
was no source of fear or apprehension for
those mighty strong prosperers of the race of Raghu
just as a mountain lair would not be for lions.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிபஞ்சாஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē tripañcāṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the fifty third Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 53
In this Sarga, being all by himself in a desolate Vana, with no one other than Seetā and Lakshmaṇa with him, Rāma reflects and broods over all that had happened.
The sadness of leaving her mother alone, with no one to fend for her, overtakes him. He even requests Lakshmaṇa to go back to Ayōdhyā to take care of Sumitrā and Kousalyā.
Lakshmaṇa consoles him and reiterates that neither he, nor Seetā can live without him.
2.53.1 ஸ தம் வ்ருக்ஷம் ஸமாஸாத்ய ஸந்த்யாமந்வாஸ்யபஸ்சிமாம் ।
ராமோ ரமயதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்ட இதி ஹோவாச லக்ஷ்மணம் ॥
sa taṃ vṛkṣaṃ samāsādya sandhyāmanvāsyapaṡcimām ।
rāmō ramayatāṃ ṡrēṣṭha iti hōvāca lakṣmaṇam ॥
Reaching that tree, Rāma,
the foremost of pleasing personalities,
paid salutations to sun setting in the west,
and said these words to Lakshmaṇa:
2.53.2 அத்யேயம் ப்ரதமா ராத்ரிர்யாதா ஜநபதாத்பஹி: ।
யா ஸுமந்த்ரேண ரஹிதா தாம் நோத்கண்டிதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
adyēyaṃ prathamā rātriryātā janapadādbahiḥ ।
yā sumantrēṇa rahitā tāṃ nōtkaṇṭhitumarhasi ॥
This would be the first of the nights
that we would spend outside of all human habitation
and even without the company of Sumantra.
But there shall be nothing for you to feel tensed about it.
2.53.3 ஜாகர்தவ்யமதந்த்ரிப்யாமத்யப்ரப்ருதி ராத்ரிஷு ।
யோகக்ஷேமௌ ஹி ஸீதாயா வர்தேதே லக்ஷ்மணாவயோ: ॥
jāgartavyamatandribhyāmadyaprabhṛti rātriṣu ।
yōgakṣēmau hi sītāyā vartētē lakṣmaṇāvayōḥ ॥
From today onwards, we shall be on full vigil at night.
The safety and wellbeing of Seetā depends on both of us alone.
2.53.4 ராத்ரிம் கதஞ்சிதேவேமாம் ஸௌமித்ரே வர்தயாமஹே ।
அபாவர்தாமஹே பூமாவாஸ்தீர்ய ஸ்வயமார்ஜிதை: ॥
rātriṃ kathañcidēvēmāṃ saumitrē vartayāmahē ।
apāvartāmahē bhūmāvāstīrya svayamārjitaiḥ ॥
O son of Sumitrā!
We shall pass this night somehow! We shall
cover the ground (with grass) by ourselves to lie down.
2.53.5 ஸ து ஸம்விஸ்ய மேதிந்யாம் மஹார்ஹஸயநோசித: ।
இமா: ஸௌமித்ரயே ராமோ வ்யாஜஹார கதா: ஸுபா: ॥
sa tu saṃviṡya mēdinyāṃ mahārhaṡayanōcitaḥ ।
imāḥ saumitrayē rāmō vyājahāra kathāḥ ṡubhāḥ ॥
Then he, who was used to
the most luxurious bedding,
sat down directly on the ground.
Rāma then said these well meaning words
to the son of Sumitrā:
2.53.6 த்ருவமத்ய மஹாராஜோ து:கம் ஸ்வபிதி லக்ஷ்மண! ।
க்ருதகாமா து கைகேயீ துஷ்டா பவிதுமர்ஹதி ॥
dhṛvamadya mahārājō duḥkhaṃ svapiti lakṣmaṇa! ।
kṛtakāmā tu kaikēyī tuṣṭā bhavitumarhati ॥
Tonight, O Lakshmaṇa, for sure,
the great king will sleep with grief
and Kaikēyee will be happy with her wish fulfilled.
2.53.7 ஸா ஹி தேவீ மஹாராஜம் கைகேயீ ராஜ்யகாரணாத் ।
அபி ந ச்யாவயேத்ப்ராணாந் த்ருஷ்ட்வா பரதமாகதம் ॥
sā hi dēvī mahārājaṃ kaikēyī rājyakāraṇāt ।
api na cyāvayētprāṇān dṛṣṭvā bharatamāgatam ॥
Once Bharata arrives, I hope the queen Kaikēyee
will not tear the life out of the great king
for the sake of the kingdom!
2.53.8 அநாதஸ்ச ஹி வ்ருத்தஸ்ச மயா சைவ விநாக்ருத: ।
கிம் கரிஷ்யதி காமாத்மா கைகேயீ வஸமாகத: ॥
anāthaṡca hi vṛddhaṡca mayā caiva vinākṛtaḥ ।
kiṃ kariṣyati kāmātmā kaikēyī vaṡamāgataḥ ॥
He is aged and has no one to turn to,
and even I am taken out of his life.
What can he, who fell under the
sway of Kaikēyee out of lust, do? Daṡaratha’s infatuation with Kaikēyee must have been the talk of the town for some years and there must have been some prevailing resentment about it.
That can be inferred from the many references made to it not only by Rāma, but also by Lakshmaṇa and all the people of Ayōdhyā.
Lakshmaṇa even goes so far as to suggest that this must be a well meditated plan and did not come up all of a sudden (2.23.9).
As if to give credibility to this perception, Daṡaratha goes to Kaikēyee’s palace, instead of to Kousalyā’s palace, even after announcing the installation of Rāma as the crown prince. It is only after the departure of Rāma to the Vana, that he goes to Kousalyā’s palace.
In these Ṡlōkas also, Rāma blames the turn of events to be the making of Kaikēyee and Daṡaratha’s infatuation with her, even though, in the big scheme of things, he acknowledges that it is the will of Providence (2.22.15).
2.53.9 இதம் வ்யஸநமாலோக்ய ராஜ்ஞஸ்ச மதிவிப்ரமம் ।
காம ஏவார்த தர்மாப்யாம் கரீயாநிதி மே மதி: ॥
idaṃ vyasanamālōkya rājñaṡca mativibhramam ।
kāma ēvārtha dharmābhyāṃ garīyāniti mē matiḥ ॥
Seeing this calamity and the
aberration in the mind of the king,
I cannot help but think that
Kāma is more powerful than Artha and Dharma.
2.53.10 கோ ஹ்யவித்வாநபி புமாந் ப்ரமதாயா: க்ருதே த்யஜேத் ।
சந்தாநுவர்திநம் புத்ரம் தாதோ மாமிவ லக்ஷ்மண ॥
kō hyavidvānapi pumān pramadāyāḥ kṛtē tyajēt ।
chandānuvartinaṃ putraṃ tātō māmiva lakṣmaṇa ॥
My dear Lakshmaṇa! How stupid a man should be,
to abandon an obedient son like me
for the sake of a woman!
2.53.11 ஸுகீ பத ஸபார்யஸ்ச பரத: கேகயீஸுத: ।
முதிதாந் கோஸலாநேகோ யோ போக்ஷ்யத்யதிராஜவத் ॥
sukhī bata sabhāryaṡca bharataḥ kēkayīsutaḥ ।
muditān kōsalānēkō yō bhōkṣyatyadhirājavat ॥
Alas! Bharata, the son of Kaikēyee,
would be the only one, along with his wife,
that enjoys the jolly kingdom of Kōsala, like a sovereign!
2.53.12 ஸ ஹி ஸர்வஸ்ய ராஜ்யஸ்ய முகமேகம் பவிஷ்யதி ।
தாதே ச வயஸாऽதீதே மயி சாரண்யமாஸ்திதே ॥
sa hi sarvasya rājyasya mukhamēkaṃ bhaviṣyati ।
tātē ca vayasā'tītē mayi cāraṇyamāsthitē ॥
With father being too old
and me being away in the forest,
he will become the sole face of the kingdom.
2.53.13 அர்ததர்மௌ பரித்யஜ்ய ய காமமநுவர்ததே ।
ஏவமாபத்யதே க்ஷிப்ரம் ராஜா தஸரதோ யதா ॥
arthadharmau parityajya ya kāmamanuvartatē ।
ēvamāpadyatē kṣipraṃ rājā daṡarathō yathā ॥
Whoever follows Kāma, keeping aside Artha and Dharma,
will, in no time, perish like king Daṡaratha.
2.53.14 மந்யே தஸரதாந்தாய மம ப்ரவ்ராஜநாய ச ।
கைகேயீ ஸௌம்ய ஸம்ப்ராப்தா ராஜ்யாய பரதஸ்ய ச ॥
manyē daṡarathāntāya mama pravrājanāya ca ।
kaikēyī saumya samprāptā rājyāya bharatasya ca ॥
O gentle one! I have to think that Kaikēyee came along
for nothing other than the destruction of Daṡaratha,
for my exile and for bringing the rule of Bharata!
2.53.15 அபீதாநீம் து கைகேயீ ஸௌபாக்யமதமோஹிதா ।
கௌஸல்யாம் ச ஸுமித்ராம் ச ஸம்ப்ரபாதேத மத்க்ருதே ॥
apīdānīṃ tu kaikēyī saubhāgyamadamōhitā ।
kausalyāṃ ca sumitrāṃ ca samprabādhēta matkṛtē ॥
How can one say Kaikēyee,
intoxicated by her good fortune,
will now not make life miserable for
Kousalyā and Sumitrā, because of me?
2.53.16 மா ஸ்ம மத்காரணாத்தேவீ ஸுமித்ரா து:கமாவஸேத் ।
அயோத்யாமித ஏவ த்வம் கால்யே ப்ரவிஸ லக்ஷ்மண ॥
mā sma matkāraṇāddēvī sumitrā duḥkhamāvasēt ।
ayōdhyāmita ēva tvaṃ kālyē praviṡa lakṣmaṇa ॥
Let the lady Sumitrā not be put to suffering because of me.
Go to Ayōdhyā in the morning straight from here, O Lakshmaṇa!
2.53.17 அஹமேகோ கமிஷ்யாமி ஸீதயா ஸஹ தண்டகாந் ।
அநாதாயா ஹி நாதஸ்த்வம் கௌஸல்யாயா பவிஷ்யஸி ॥
ahamēkō gamiṣyāmi sītayā saha daṇḍakān ।
anāthāyā hi nāthastvaṃ kausalyāyā bhaviṣyasi ॥
I will go alone to Daṇḍaka, along with Seetā.
May you be the guardian for Kousalyā,
who has no one left to care for her.
2.53.18 க்ஷுத்ரகர்மா ஹி கைகேயீ த்வேஷ்யமந்யாய்யமாசரேத் ।
பரிதத்யாஹி தர்மஜ்ஞே பரதே மம மாதரம் ॥
kṣudrakarmā hi kaikēyī dvēṣyamanyāyyamācarēt ।
paridadyāhi dharmajñē bharatē mama mātaram ॥
Kaikēyee, being the vile one she is,
can be expected to be detestably unfair.
You must put my mother under the
direct protection of Bharata who knows Dharma. Even at a moment of dejection like this, Rāma does not fail to show confidence in Bharata.
2.53.19 நூநம் ஜாத்யந்தரே கஸ்மிந் ஸ்த்ரிய: புத்ரைர்வியோஜிதா: ।
ஜநந்யா மம ஸௌமித்ரே தஸ்மாதேததுபஸ்திதம் ॥
nūnaṃ jātyantarē kasmin striyaḥ putrairviyōjitāḥ ।
jananyā mama saumitrē tasmādētadupasthitam ॥
My mother, in some other former life,
must have separated women from their sons,
and hence this must be the consequence, O son of Sumitrā!
2.53.20 மயா ஹி சிரபுஷ்டேந துகஸம்வர்திதேந ச ।
விப்ரயுஜ்யத கௌஸல்யா பலகாலே திகஸ்து மாம் ॥
mayā hi cirapuṣṭēna dukhasaṃvardhitēna ca ।
viprayujyata kausalyā phalakālē dhigastu mām ॥
Kousalyā, having nourished me so long
and taken so much pains to bring me up,
has had me taken away from her,
just when she might have hoped to reap the fruit.
Shame on me!
2.53.21 மா ஸ்ம ஸீமந்திநீ காசிஜ்ஜநயேத்புத்ரமீத்ருஸம் ।
ஸௌமித்ரே யோऽஹமம்பாயா தத்மி ஸோகமநந்தகம் ॥
mā sma sīmantinī kācijjanayētputramīdṛṡam ।
saumitrē yō'hamambāyā dadmi ṡōkamanantakam ॥
May no fertile woman give birth to such a son as me,
who has brought such an endless grief upon his mother,
O son of Sumitrā!
2.53.22 மந்யே ப்ரீதிவிஸிஷ்டா ஸா மத்தோ லக்ஷ்மண ஸாரிகா ।
யஸ்யாஸ்தச்ச்ரூயதே வாக்யம் ஸுக பாதமரேர்தஸ ॥
manyē prītiviṡiṣṭā sā mattō lakṣmaṇa ṡārikā ।
yasyāstacchrūyatē vākyaṃ ṡuka pādamarērdaṡa ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! I consider that the Ṡarika bird that shouted,
‘O parrot, bite the foot of the enemy!’
showed more love than I did.
2.53.23 ஸோசந்த்யா அல்பபாக்யாயா ந கிஞ்சிதுபகுர்வதா ।
புத்ரேண கிமபுத்ராயா மயா கார்யமரிந்தம ॥
ṡōcantyā alpabhāgyāyā na kiñcidupakurvatā ।
putrēṇa kimaputrāyā mayā kāryamarindama ॥
Of what earthly use am I,
a son, who has done so little,
to that grieving woman of little fortune,
who has no sons now, O harrier of the foe?
2.53.24 அல்பபாக்யா ஹி மே மாதா கௌஸல்யா ரஹிதா மயா ।
ஸேதே பரமது:கார்தா பதிதா ஸோகஸாகரே ॥
alpabhāgyā hi mē mātā kausalyā rahitā mayā ।
ṡētē paramaduḥkhārtā patitā ṡōkasāgarē ॥
Scant, indeed, are the fortunes of
my mother Kousalyā, without me!
With measureless grief, she must be lying,
plunged in an ocean of misery.
2.53.25 ஏகோ ஹ்யஹமயோத்யாம் ச ப்ருதிவீம் சாபி லக்ஷ்மண ।
தரேயமிஷுபி: க்ருத்தோ நநு வீர்யமகாரணம் ॥
ēkō hyahamayōdhyāṃ ca pṛthivīṃ cāpi lakṣmaṇa ।
tarēyamiṣubhiḥ kruddhō nanu vīryamakāraṇam ॥
Single-handedly, with my arrows, O Lakshmaṇa,
I can take over Ayōdhyā, nay, the entire earth,
if I were to become angry enough.
But there must be a reason for a show of strength.
2.53.26 அதர்மபயபீதஸ்ச பரலோகஸ்ய சாநக ।
தேந லக்ஷ்மண நாத்யாஹ மாத்மாநமபிஷேசயே ॥
adharmabhayabhītaṡca paralōkasya cānagha ।
tēna lakṣmaṇa nādyāha mātmānamabhiṣēcayē ॥
O sinless Lakshmaṇa!
For fear of not following Dharma
and for fear of the world beyond,
I am not consecrating myself (as the king)!
2.53.27 ஏததந்யஸ்ச கருணம் விலப்ய விஜநே வநே ।
அஸ்ருபூர்ணமுகோ ராமோ நிஸி தூஷ்ணீமுபாவிஸத் ॥
ētadanyaṡca karuṇaṃ vilapya vijanē vanē ।
aṡrupūrṇamukhō rāmō niṡi tūṣṇīmupāviṡat ॥
Having spoken of these and many other things
in words of piteous lamentation,
Rāma, his face covered with tears,
sat silently in that desolate Vana that night.
2.53.28 விலப்யோபரதம் ராமம் கதார்சிஷமிவாநலம் ।
ஸமுத்ரமிவ நிர்வேகமாஸ்வாஸயத லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
vilapyōparataṃ rāmaṃ gatārciṣamivānalam ।
samudramiva nirvēgamāṡvāsayata lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
When Rāma had ceased lamenting,
like a fire that had died down
and a sea that had quieted down,
Lakshmaṇa consoled him (saying):
2.53.29 த்ருவமத்ய புரீ ராஜந்நயோத்யாயுதிநாம் வர ।
நிஷ்ப்ரபா த்வயி நிஷ்க்ராந்தே கதசந்த்ரேவ ஸர்வரீ ॥
dhruvamadya purī rājannayōdhyāyudhināṃ vara ।
niṣprabhā tvayi niṣkrāntē gatacandrēva ṡarvarī ॥
O King, O foremost of warriors!
The city of Ayōdhyā, with you gone away, will,
without a doubt, look shorn of her splendor today,
like a night without the moon.
2.53.30 நைததௌபயிகம் ராம யதிதம் பரிதப்யதே ।
விஷாதயஸி ஸீதாம் ச மாம் சைவ புருஷர்ஷப ॥
naitadaupayikaṃ rāma yadidaṃ paritapyatē ।
viṣādayasi sītāṃ ca māṃ caiva puruṣarṣabha ॥
This kind of distress, O Rāma, does not befit you.
It only makes, O tiger among men, Seetā and me sad.
2.53.31 ந ச ஸீதா த்வயா ஹீநா ந சாஹமபி ராகவ ।
முஹூர்தமபி ஜீவாவோ ஜலாந்மத்ஸ்யாவிநோத்த்ருதௌ ॥
na ca sītā tvayā hīnā na cāhamapi rāghava ।
muhūrtamapi jīvāvō jalānmatsyāvinōddhṛtau ॥
Neither Seetā nor I, O Rāghava,
can live without you, even for a moment,
any more than a fish taken out of the water.
2.53.32 நஹி தாதம் ந ஸத்ருக்நம் ந ஸுமித்ராம் பரந்தப ।
த்ரஷ்டுமிச்சேயமத்யாஹம் ஸ்வர்கம் சாபி த்வயா விநா ॥
nahi tātaṃ na ṡatrughnaṃ na sumitrāṃ parantapa ।
draṣṭumicchēyamadyāhaṃ svargaṃ cāpi tvayā vinā ॥
Neither father nor Ṡatrughna, nor Sumitrā, nor heaven itself
O harrier of the foe, do I wish to see, this day, without you.
2.53.33 ததஸ்தத்ர ஸுகாஸீநௌ நாதிதூரே நிரீக்ஷ்ய தாம் ।
ந்யக்ரோதே ஸுக்ருதாம் ஸய்யாம் பேஜாதே தர்மவத்ஸலௌ ॥
tatastatra sukhāsīnau nātidūrē nirīkṣya tām ।
nyagrōdhē sukṛtāṃ ṡayyāṃ bhējātē dharmavatsalau ॥
Having sat there for some time quietly,
the two, who loved Dharma dearly,
saw the well-made bed under the banyan tree nearby
and went and lay down on it.
2.53.34 ஸ லக்ஷ்மணஸ்யோத்தமபுஷ்கலம் வசோ
நிஸம்ய சைவம் வநவாஸமாதராத் ।
ஸமா: ஸமஸ்தா விததே பரந்தப:
ப்ரபத்ய தர்மம் ஸுசிராய ராகவ: ॥
sa lakṣmaṇasyōttamapuṣkalaṃ vacō
niṡamya caivaṃ vanavāsamādarāt ।
samāḥ samastā vidadhē parantapaḥ
prapadya dharmaṃ sucirāya rāghavaḥ ॥
Appreciating those well meaning words of Lakshmaṇa,
Rāghava, harrier of the foe, focused his mind
on completing the many years of life in Vana ahead
in accordance with Dharma.
2.53.35 ததஸ்து தஸ்மிந் விஜநே வநே ததா
மஹாபலௌ ராகவவம்ஸவர்தநௌ ।
ந தௌ பயம் ஸம்ப்ரமமப்யுபேயது
ர்யதைவ ஸிம்ஹௌ கிரிஸாநுகோசரௌ ॥
tatastu tasmin vijanē vanē tadā
mahābalau rāghavavaṃṡavardhanau ।
na tau bhayaṃ sambhramamabhyupēyatu
ryathaiva siṃhau girisānugōcarau ॥
That Vana, as desolate as it was,
was no source of fear or apprehension for
those mighty strong prosperers of the race of Raghu
just as a mountain lair would not be for lions.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிபஞ்சாஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē tripañcāṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the fifty third Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.