Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 52 Continues
ஏததர்தம் ஹி ராஜ்யாநி ப்ரஸாஸதி நரேஸ்வரா: ।
யதேஷாம் ஸர்வக்ருத்யேஷு மநோ ந ப்ரதிஹந்யதே ॥
ētadarthaṃ hi rājyāni praṡāsati narēṡvarāḥ ।
yadēṣāṃ sarvakṛtyēṣu manō na pratihanyatē ॥
After all, kings take upon the
burden of the ruling their kingdoms
only with the expectation that
their will never gets negated.
This Ṡlōka speaks about a fundamental principle of hierarchical systems.
Translated into the lingo of modern corporate world, it says: “Bosses take upon the brunt of management expecting in return no insubordination from the staff”.
This is an implicit bargain in the hierarchical system: Boss: “I will take care of you and in return I expect you to follow my will.” Staff: “I will listen to you and in return I expect you to take care of me.”
This same implicit bargain exists between a husband and wife in conventional marriages and between a parent and child in conventional families. Marriages and families fail only when one party understands the bargain and the other does not.
In these two Ṡlōkas, Rāma is indirectly explaining how he is keeping his end of this implicit bargain, by going to the Vana.
யத்யதா ஸ மஹாராஜோ நாலீகமதிகச்சதி ।
ந ச தாம்யதி து:கேந ஸுமந்த்ர குரு தத்ததா ॥
yadyathā sa mahārājō nālīkamadhigacchati ।
na ca tāmyati duḥkhēna sumantra kuru tattathā ॥
O Sumantra! Do everything to make sure
that the king’s words do not become untrue
and he does not feel the need to anguish over anything.
அத்ருஷ்டது:கம் ராஜாநம் வ்ருத்தமார்யம் ஜிதேந்த்ரியம் ।
ப்ரூயாஸ்த்வமபிவாத்யைவ மம ஹேதோரிதம் வச: ॥
adṛṣṭaduḥkhaṃ rājānaṃ vṛddhamāryaṃ jitēndriyam ।
brūyāstvamabhivādyaiva mama hētōridaṃ vacaḥ ॥
Offering salutations on my behalf,
please tell these words to the noble and aged king,
who has known no sorrow and has mastery over his senses:
நைவாஹமநுஸோசாமி லக்ஷ்மணோ ந ச மைதிலீ ।
அயோத்யாயாஸ்ச்யுதாஸ்சேதி வநே வத்ஸ்யாமஹேதி ச ॥
naivāhamanuṡōcāmi lakṣmaṇō na ca maithilī ।
ayōdhyāyāṡcyutāṡcēti vanē vatsyāmahēti ca ॥
Neither I, nor the princess of Mithilā, nor Lakshmaṇa,
grieve for having to leave Ayōdhyā or to live in the Vana.
சதுர்தஸஸு வர்ஷேஷு நிவ்ருத்தேஷு புந: புந: ।
லக்ஷ்மணம் மாம் ச ஸீதாம் ச த்ரக்ஷ்யஸே க்ஷிப்ரமாகதாந் ॥
caturdaṡasu varṣēṣu nivṛttēṣu punaḥ punaḥ ।
lakṣmaṇaṃ māṃ ca sītāṃ ca drakṣyasē kṣipramāgatān ॥
We will be back as soon as fourteen years are complete,
and you shall be pleased to see Lakshmaṇa, Seetā and me.
ஏவமுக்த்வா து ராஜாநம் மாதரம் ச ஸுமந்த்ர! மே ।
அந்யாஸ்ச தேவீஸ்ஸஹிதா: கைகேயீம் ச புந: புந: ॥
ஆரோக்யம் ப்ரூஹி கௌஸல்யாமத பாதாபிவந்தநம் ।
ஸீதாயா மம சாऽऽர்யஸ்ய வசநால்லக்ஷ்மணஸ்ய ச ॥
ēvamuktvā tu rājānaṃ mātaraṃ ca sumantra! mē ।
anyāṡca dēvīssahitāḥ kaikēyīṃ ca punaḥ punaḥ ॥
ārōgyaṃ brūhi kausalyāmatha pādābhivandanam ।
sītāyā mama cā''ryasya vacanāllakṣmaṇasya ca ॥
O Sumantra, having said this to the King,
stress upon my mother, and all the other ladies including Kaikēyee,
that Seetā, the noble Lakshmaṇa and I make our
prostrations to them and enquire about their well-being.
ப்ரூயாஸ்ச ஹி மஹாராஜம் பரதம் க்ஷிப்ரமாநய ।
ஆகதஸ்சாபி பரத: ஸ்தாப்யோ ந்ருபமதே பதே ॥
brūyāṡca hi mahārājaṃ bharataṃ kṣipramānaya ।
āgataṡcāpi bharataḥ sthāpyō nṛpamatē padē ॥
Please tell the great king to send for Bharata immediately
and to install him in a position that he, the king, would like,
as soon as Bharata arrives.
பரதம் ச பரிஷ்வஜ்ய யௌவராஜ்யேऽபிஷிச்ய ச ।
அஸ்மத்ஸந்தாபஜம் து:கம் ந த்வாமபிபவிஷ்யதி ॥
bharataṃ ca pariṣvajya yauvarājyē'bhiṣicya ca ।
asmatsantāpajaṃ duḥkhaṃ na tvāmabhibhaviṣyati ॥
And once Bharata is installed as the crown prince
and is taken into your embrace,
the grief on my account will subside automatically.
This Ṡlōka speaks about one of the basic aspects of human psychology.
When you take away a toy from a child, the child will be overwhelmed with grief. But once you give another toy in its place, even though it may not be the exact equivalent, the child will feel pacified and will get used to it, forgetting the grief of not having the original toy.
Politicians and managers exploit this basic human nature all the time. They take away something and then give something else to soothe the mood of the people, though for devious reasons.
You can also use this technique, when genuine reasons demand, to make your life and the life of others better.
பரதஸ்சாபி வக்தவ்யோ யதா ராஜநி வர்தஸே ।
ததா மாத்ருஷு வர்தேதா: ஸர்வாஸ்வேவாவிஸேஷத: ॥
bharataṡcāpi vaktavyō yathā rājani vartasē ।
tathā mātṛṣu vartēthāḥ sarvāsvēvāviṡēṣataḥ ॥
It would be appropriate to implore with Bharata
that he should treat all mothers just as
he treats the king, with no difference whatsoever.
யதா ச தவ கைகேயீ ஸுமித்ரா ச விஸேஷத: ।
ததைவ தேவீ கௌஸல்யா மம மாதா விஸேஷத: ॥
yathā ca tava kaikēyī sumitrā ca viṡēṣataḥ ।
tathaiva dēvī kausalyā mama mātā viṡēṣataḥ ॥
You should look upon my mother, the lady Kousalyā particularly,
exactly as you do upon Kaikēyee and Sumitrā.
தாதஸ்ய ப்ரியகாமேந யௌவராஜ்யமபேக்ஷதா ।
லோகயோருபயோ: ஸக்யம் த்வயா யத்ஸுகமேதிதும் ॥
tātasya priyakāmēna yauvarājyamapēkṣatā ।
lōkayōrubhayōḥ ṡakyaṃ tvayā yatsukhamēdhitum ॥
By discharging the duties of the crown prince
to the desire and liking of the father,
you would attain the best in this world as well as hereafter.
நிவர்த்யமாநோ ராமேண ஸுமந்த்ர: ஸோககர்ஸித: ।
தத்ஸர்வம் வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ஸ்நேஹாத்காகுத்ஸ்தமப்ரவீத் ॥
nivartyamānō rāmēṇa sumantraḥ ṡōkakarṡitaḥ ।
tatsarvaṃ vacanaṃ ṡrutvā snēhātkākutsthamabravīt ॥
Thus asked by Rāma to go back,
Sumantra felt enervated with grief.
Hearing it all to the end, he spoke to
the descendant of Kākutstha, spurred by affection:
யதஹம் நோபசாரேண ப்ரூயாம் ஸ்நேஹாதவிக்லப: ।
பக்திமாநிதி தத்தாவத்வாக்யம் த்வம் க்ஷந்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
yadahaṃ nōpacārēṇa brūyāṃ snēhādaviklabaḥ ।
bhaktimāniti tattāvadvākyaṃ tvaṃ kṣantumarhasi ॥
If whatever I say out of affection and without hesitation,
seem to be of questionable obedience,
I hope you will forgive me for that,
keeping my unwavering devotion to you in mind!
It is hard to find such a simple, non-ornamental, direct and beautiful language like you find in this conversation between Sumantra and Rāma, elsewhere!
கதம் ஹி த்வத்விஹீநோऽஹம் ப்ரதியாஸ்யாமி தாம் புரீம் ।
தவ தாவத்வியோகேந புத்ரஸோகாகுலாமிவ ॥
kathaṃ hi tvadvihīnō'haṃ pratiyāsyāmi tāṃ purīm ।
tava tāvadviyōgēna putraṡōkākulāmiva ॥
How can I go back without you to that city which,
bereaved of you, would be distraught with grief
as for a child one has lost !
ஸராமமபி தாவந்மே ரதம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா ததா ஜந: ।
விநா ராமம் ரதம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா விதீர்யேதாபி ஸா புரீ ॥
sarāmamapi tāvanmē rathaṃ dṛṣṭvā tadā janaḥ ।
vinā rāmaṃ rathaṃ dṛṣṭvā vidīryētāpi sā purī ॥
They grieved so much
seeing my chariot with Rāma in it, earlier.
They will be no less than shattered
to see the chariot without Rāma in it, now.
What heart-wrenching poetry in these two Ṡlōkas !
தைந்யம் ஹி நகரீ கச்சேத்த்ருஷ்ட்வா ஸூந்யமிமம் ரதம் ।
ஸூதாவஸேஷம் ஸ்வம் ஸைந்யம் ஹதவீரமிவாऽஹவே ॥
dainyaṃ hi nagarī gacchēddṛṣṭvā ṡūnyamimaṃ ratham ।
sūtāvaṡēṣaṃ svaṃ sainyaṃ hatavīramivā'havē ॥
The city will be plunged in despair,
seeing the chariot empty but for the driver,
like an army that sees a chariot without
the commander, who dies in the battle.
தூரேऽபி நிவஸந்தம் த்வாம் மாநஸேநாக்ரத: ஸ்திதம் ।
சிந்தயந்தோऽத்ய நூநம் த்வாம் நிராஹாரா: க்ருதா: ப்ரஜா: ॥
dūrē'pi nivasantaṃ tvāṃ mānasēnāgrataḥ sthitam ।
cintayantō'dya nūnaṃ tvāṃ nirāhārāḥ kṛtāḥ prajāḥ ॥
Though you would be living far away,
you will be right in the forefront of their thoughts,
and they will not be able to even touch food
for sure, thinking of you.
த்ருஷ்டம் தத்தி த்வயா ராம! யாத்ருஸம் த்வத்ப்ரவாஸநே ।
ப்ரஜாநாம் ஸங்குலம் வ்ருத்தம் த்வச்சோகக்லாந்தசேதஸாம் ॥
dṛṣṭaṃ taddhi tvayā rāma! yādṛṡaṃ tvatpravāsanē ।
prajānāṃ saṅkulaṃ vṛttaṃ tvacchōkaklāntacētasām ॥
You yourself saw, O Rāma,
the noise and tumult among the crowds,
and their exhaustion by grief
at the time of your departure!
ஆர்தநாதோ ஹி ய: பௌரைர்முக்தஸ்த்வத்விப்ரவாஸநே ।
ஸரதம் மாம் நிஸாம்யைவ குர்யு: ஸதகுணம் தத: ॥
ārtanādō hi yaḥ paurairmuktastvadvipravāsanē ।
sarathaṃ māṃ niṡāmyaiva kuryuḥ ṡataguṇaṃ tataḥ ॥
Those distressed cries of the citizens
at the time of your departure
will only rise hundredfold upon
seeing me back alone with the chariot.
அஹம் கிம் சாபி வக்ஷ்யாமி தேவீம் தவ ஸுதோ மயா ।
நீதோऽஸௌ மாதுலகுலம் ஸந்தாபம் மா க்ருதா இதி ॥
அஸத்யமபி நைவாஹம் ப்ரூயாம் வசநமீத்ருஸம் ।
கதமப்ரியமேவாஹம் ப்ரூயாம் ஸத்யமிதம் வச: ॥
ahaṃ kiṃ cāpi vakṣyāmi dēvīṃ tava sutō mayā ।
nītō'sau mātulakulaṃ santāpaṃ mā kṛthā iti ॥
asatyamapi naivāhaṃ brūyāṃ vacanamīdṛṡam ।
kathamapriyamēvāhaṃ brūyāṃ satyamidaṃ vacaḥ ॥
And then what shall I tell the lady, your mother?
Could I say, ‘I left your son at his maternal uncle’s house,
and there is nothing to worry!’
I cannot say such a thing, which is untrue.
But how can I tell the truth either,
when it is so unpleasant?
Leaving a child to be raised in the maternal uncle’s house is a custom that continues from the days of Rāmāyaṇa to even this day in India!
மம தாவந்நியோகஸ்தாஸ்த்வத்பந்துஜநவாஹிந: ।
கதம் ரதம் த்வயா ஹீநம் ப்ரவக்ஷ்யந்தி ஹயோத்தமா: ॥
mama tāvanniyōgasthāstvadbandhujanavāhinaḥ ।
kathaṃ rathaṃ tvayā hīnaṃ pravakṣyanti hayōttamāḥ ॥
How will these well-bred horses that obeyed me
in carrying you and those who are dear to you thus far,
draw the chariot that is emptied of you?
தந்ந ஸக்ஷ்யாம்யஹம் கந்துமயோத்யாம் த்வத்ருதேऽநக ।
வநவாஸாநுயாநாய மாமநுஜ்ஞாதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
tanna ṡakṣyāmyahaṃ gantumayōdhyāṃ tvadṛtē'nagha ।
vanavāsānuyānāya māmanujñātumarhasi ॥
Therefore, I cannot go to Ayōdhyā without you, O sinless one!
You must allow me to go with you to live in the Vana.
யதி மே யாசமாநஸ்ய த்யாகமேவ கரிஷ்யஸி ।
ஸரதோऽக்நிம் ப்ரவேக்ஷ்யாமி த்யக்தமாத்ர இஹ த்வயா ॥
yadi mē yācamānasya tyāgamēva kariṣyasi ।
sarathō'gniṃ pravēkṣyāmi tyaktamātra iha tvayā ॥
If you forsake me in spite of my beseeching,
I shall consign myself to the fire along with the chariot
the moment you leave me.
பவிஷ்யந்தி வநே யாநி தபோவிக்நகராணி தே ।
ரதேந ப்ரதிபாதிஷ்யே தாநி ஸத்த்வாநி ராகவ! ॥
bhaviṣyanti vanē yāni tapōvighnakarāṇi tē ।
rathēna pratibādhiṣyē tāni sattvāni rāghava! ॥
In the Vana, O Rāghava, I will
drive away any wild animals and creatures
that might obstruct your Tapa, with the chariot!
to be continued