Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 30

In the previous Sarga, Seetā tries to convince Rāma to take her along with him to Vana. But Rāma does not yield.
In this Sarga Seetā continues her pleading. Rāma finally agrees to take her with him. He says that he wanted to make sure that she is earnest in her desire, before conceding.
He makes it clear that there is nothing more and nothing less than adhering to Dharma by abiding by the word given by his father, that makes him go to the Vana.
***Note the differences among the responses of Lakshmaṇa, Kousalyā and Seetā to the turn of events.
Lakshmaṇa questions the character of Kaikēyee, judgment of the aged King and the propriety of Rāma in obliging his father by helping him keep his word.
Kousalyā, on the other hand, does not talk about Kaikēyee nor questions the judgment of her husband, but only wishes that Rāma does not oblige, or at least take her with him.
Seetā, quite differently, neither talks about Kaikēyee, nor about Daṡaratha, nor about the propriety of Rāma in abiding by his father’s word. She simply begs him to take her with him.
Seetā passes the test of time handsomely. She makes it clear that her husband is more important to her than the riches that she has to leave behind. By not questioning him, she makes it clear that she has full faith in his judgment.
ஸாந்த்வ்யமாநா து ராமேண மைதிலீ ஜநகாத்மஜா ।
வநவாஸநிமித்தாய பர்தாரமிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
sāntvyamānā tu rāmēṇa maithilī janakātmajā ।
vanavāsanimittāya bhartāramidamabravīt ॥
When Rāma thus sought to console her
while denying her plea to live in the Vana,
the princess of Mithilā, the daughter of Janaka,
said the following words to her husband:
ஸா தமுத்தமஸம்விக்நா ஸீதா விபுலவக்ஷஸம் ।
ப்ரணயாச்சாபிமாநாச்ச பரிசிக்ஷேப ராகவம் ॥
sā tamuttamasaṃvignā sītā vipulavakṣasam ।
praṇayāccābhimānācca paricikṣēpa rāghavam ॥
Highly agitated, Seetā taunted Rāghava, of mighty chest,
with the indulgence of offended love.
கிம் த்வாऽமந்யத வைதேஹ: பிதா மே மிதிலாதிப: ।
ராம! ஜாமாதரம் ப்ராப்ய ஸ்த்ரியம் புருஷவிக்ரஹம் ॥
kiṃ tvā'manyata vaidēhaḥ pitā mē mithilādhipaḥ ।
rāma! jāmātaraṃ prāpya striyaṃ puruṣavigraham ॥
Did my father, the king of Vidēha and the lord of Mithilā,
O Rāma, think that he got a son-in-law
who is a woman in the form of a man?
அந்ருதம் பத லோகோऽயமஜ்ஞாநாத்யத்தி வக்ஷ்யதி ।
தேஜோ நாஸ்தி பரம் ராமே தபதீவ திவாகரே ॥
anṛtaṃ bata lōkō'yamajñānādyadhdi vakṣyati ।
tējō nāsti paraṃ rāmē tapatīva divākarē ॥
It would be, alas, far from truth,
if the world, out of ignorance, says that Rāma
does not have the brilliant luster of the blazing sun!
கிம் ஹி க்ருத்வா விஷண்ணஸ்த்வம் குதோ வா பயமஸ்தி தே ।
யத்பரித்யக்துகாமஸ்த்வம் மாமநந்யபராயணாம் ॥
kiṃ hi kṛtvā viṣaṇṇastvaṃ kutō vā bhayamasti tē ।
yatparityaktukāmastvaṃ māmananyaparāyaṇām ॥
Then, what is the reason for you to be sad
and what are you afraid of,
to leave me, who has no other refuge, alone?
In Ṡlōka 3 Seetā essentially says that she knows that he is not a woman to cry. In Ṡlōka 4 she says that he is not a weak person to be afraid of anyone. In this Ṡlōka, she asks, why then does he heSeetāte?
த்யுமத்ஸேநஸுதம் வீர! ஸத்யவந்தமநுவ்ரதாம் ।
ஸாவித்ரீமிவ மாம் வித்தி த்வமாத்மவஸவர்திநீம் ॥
dyumatsēnasutaṃ vīra! satyavantamanuvratām ।
sāvitrīmiva māṃ viddhi tvamātmavaṡavartinīm ॥
You must know, O Veera, that I am completely yours,
like Sāvitri who cleaved to Satyavanta, the son of Dyumatsēna!
ந த்வஹம் மநஸாऽப்யந்யம் த்ரஷ்டாऽஸ்மி த்வத்ருதேऽநக! ।
த்வயா ராகவ! கச்சேயம் யதாऽந்யா குலபாம்ஸிநீ ॥
na tvahaṃ manasā'pyanyaṃ draṣṭā'smi tvadṛtē'nagha! ।
tvayā rāghava! gacchēyaṃ yathā'nyā kulapāṃsinī ॥
I am not like other women
who ruin the name of an entire lineage.
Not even the thought of another man will cross my mind.
O flawless one! I am firmly devoted to you.
O Rāghava! I shall go along with you!
ஸ்வயம் து பார்யாம் கௌமாரீம் சிரமத்யுஷிதாம் ஸதீம் ।
ஸைலூஷ இவ மாம் ராம! பரேப்யோ தாதுமிச்சஸி ॥
svayaṃ tu bhāryāṃ kaumārīṃ ciramadhyuṣitāṃ satīm ।
ṡailūṣa iva māṃ rāma! parēbhyō dātumicchasi ॥
O Rāma! I am your wife for real.
I am young, naïve, and have been long taken cared for by you.
Now, you want to give me away to others,
like an actor in a play!
“This is not a movie, this is life!” is a cliché in the modern Indian movies. It seems as if this expression is as old as Rāmāyaṇa itself, wow!
யஸ்ய பத்யம் ச ராமாऽத்த யஸ்ய சார்தேऽவருத்யஸே ।
த்வம் தஸ்ய பவ வஸ்யஸ்ச விதேயஸ்ச ஸதாऽநக! ॥
yasya pathyaṃ ca rāmā'ttha yasya cārthē'varudhyasē ।
tvaṃ tasya bhava vaṡyaṡca vidhēyaṡca sadā'nagha! ॥
O Rāma, O faultless one! You may
continue to be obedient and dedicated
to those whom you wish well and
for whose sake you are stopping me!
This Ṡlōka does not seem to go well in the flow! May be we have lost a few Ṡlōkas before and after this Ṡlōka to history!
ஸ மாமநாதாய வநம் ந த்வம் ப்ரஸ்தாதுமர்ஹஸி ।
தபோ வா யதி வாऽரண்யம் ஸ்வர்கோ வா ஸ்யாத்ஸஹ மே த்வயா ॥
sa māmanādāya vanaṃ na tvaṃ prasthātumarhasi ।
tapō vā yadi vā'raṇyaṃ svargō vā syātsaha mē tvayā ॥
You shall not go to Vana without taking me with you.
Be it Tapa or forest or heaven for me, it is only with you.
ந ச மே பவிதா தத்ர கஸ்சித்பதி பரிஸ்ரம: ।
ப்ருஷ்டதஸ்தவ கச்சந்த்யா விஹாரஸயநேஷ்விவ ॥
na ca mē bhavitā tatra kaṡcitpathi pariṡramaḥ ।
pṛṣṭhatastava gacchantyā vihāraṡayanēṣviva ॥
I should have no difficulty there
moving along the pathways and sleep well as I follow you.
குஸகாஸஸரேஷீகா யே ச கண்டகிநோ த்ருமா: ।
தூலாஜிநஸமஸ்பர்ஸா மார்கே மம ஸஹ த்வயா ॥
kuṡakāṡaṡarēṣīkā yē ca kaṇṭakinō drumāḥ ।
tūlājinasamasparṡā mārgē mama saha tvayā ॥
Consider Darbha, reed, rush and thorn-trees on the pathways
to be soft like cotton and smooth like deer skin to me
when I walk along with you.
Good company and bad times are better than good times and bad company, at any time. Because, never does one live one’s life alone.
மஹாவாதஸமுத்தூதம் யந்மாமபகரிஷ்யதி ।
ரஜோ ரமண! தந்மந்யே பரார்த்யமிவ சந்தநம் ॥
mahāvātasamuddhūtaṃ yanmāmapakariṣyati ।
rajō ramaṇa! tanmanyē parārthyamiva candanam ॥
My beloved Rāma! I shall regard, as sandal beyond price,
the dust with which I may be covered when strong winds blow.
Most of us would have childhood memory of coming home with a coat of dust after playing in the dusty areas of the neighborhood. The memory of that dust, for many, is more precious than sandalwood paste.
Seetā is speaking of a similarly possible situation, when her body could be covered with dust raised by windstorms in the Vana.
ஸாத்வலேஷு யதா ஸிஸ்யே வநாந்தே வநகோசர! ।
குதாஸ்தரணதல்பேஷு கிம் ஸ்யாத்ஸுகதரம் தத: ॥
ṡādvalēṣu yathā ṡiṡyē vanāntē vanagōcara! ।
kuthāstaraṇatalpēṣu kiṃ syātsukhataraṃ tataḥ ॥
Would the comfort of lying down
on the green sward in the heart of Vana,
be any less than lying on beds
covered with soft rugs and fine linen?
பத்ரம் மூலம் பலம் யத்த்வமல்பம் வா யதி வா பஹு ।
தாஸ்யஸி ஸ்வயமாஹ்ருத்ய தந்மேऽம்ருதரஸோபமம் ॥
patraṃ mūlaṃ phalaṃ yattvamalpaṃ vā yadi vā bahu ।
dāsyasi svayamāhṛtya tanmē'mṛtarasōpamam ॥
Anything, be it much or little,
be it a root or fruit or leaf
that you gather by yourself and give me,
will be sweet like Amrita to me.
ந மாதுர்ந பிதுஸ்தத்ர ஸ்மரிஷ்யாமி ந வேஸ்மந: ।
ஆர்தவாந்யுபபுஞ்ஜாநா புஷ்பாணி ச பலாநி ச ॥
na māturna pitustatra smariṣyāmi na vēṡmanaḥ ।
ārtavānyupabhuñjānā puṣpāṇi ca phalāni ca ॥
I will not think of mother or father or home,
enjoying the flowers and fruits of various seasons.
Seetā assures that she will not get homesick.
ந ச தத்ர தத: கிஞ்சித்த்ரஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி விப்ரியம் ।
மத்க்ருதே ந ச தே ஸோகோ ந பவிஷ்யாமி துர்பரா ॥
na ca tatra tataḥ kiñciddraṣṭumarhasi vipriyam ।
matkṛtē na ca tē ṡōkō na bhaviṣyāmi durbharā ॥
Hence you shall not have
any difficulty or worry there because of me!
Nor shall I be of any burden to you!
This same loving pleading, to which it is difficult to say ‘no’, is beautifully captured between the characters of Sujatha, the heroine, and her husband Guru, as he departs to the city to make it big, in the Bollywood movie, Guru (2007), a biographical film loosely based on the Business icon of India, Dhirubhai Ambani.
ய ஸ்த்வயா ஸஹ ஸ ஸ்வர்கோ நிரயோ யஸ்த்வயா விநா ।
இதி ஜாநந்பராம் ப்ரீதிம் கச்ச ராம! மயா ஸஹ ॥
ya stvayā saha sa svargō nirayō yastvayā vinā ।
iti jānanparāṃ prītiṃ gaccha rāma! mayā saha ॥
It is heaven for me with you and hell without you.
Be completely assured of that, O Rāma,
and have the best of life with me!
அத மாமேவமவ்யக்ராம் வநம் நைவ நயிஷ்யதி ।
விஷமத்யைவ பாஸ்யாமி மா விஸம் த்விஷதாம் கமம் ॥
atha māmēvamavyagrāṃ vanaṃ naiva nayiṣyati ।
viṣamadyaiva pāsyāmi mā viṡaṃ dviṣatāṃ gamam ॥
If you do not take me, the determined, to the Vana with you,
I shall consume poison this very day,
so that I will not fall into the hands of enemies.
பஸ்சாதபி ஹி து:கேந மம நைவாஸ்தி ஜீவிதம் ।
உஜ்ஜிதாயாஸ்த்வயா நாத! ததைவ மரணம் வரம் ॥
paṡcādapi hi duḥkhēna mama naivāsti jīvitam ।
ujjhitāyāstvayā nātha! tadaiva maraṇaṃ varam ॥
I would anyway die later
out of grief, if you leave me.
Hence, it is better to die now.
இமம் ஹி ஸஹிதும் ஸோகம் முஹூர்தமபி நோத்ஸஹே ।
கிம் புநர்தஸவர்ஷாணி த்ரீணி சைகம் ச து:கிதா ॥
imaṃ hi sahituṃ ṡōkaṃ muhūrtamapi nōtsahē ।
kiṃ punardaṡavarṣāṇi trīṇi caikaṃ ca duḥkhitā ॥
I cannot endure this grief even for a moment.
How can I take it for ten, three and one years more?
இதி ஸா ஸோகஸந்தப்தா விலப்ய கருணம் பஹு ।
சுக்ரோஸ பதிமாயஸ்தா ப்ருஸமாலிங்க்ய ஸஸ்வரம் ॥
iti sā ṡōkasantaptā vilapya karuṇaṃ bahu ।
cukrōṡa patimāyastā bhṛṡamāliṅgya sasvaram ॥
Tormented with grief, Seetā,
lamenting piteously and exhausted,
tightly hugged her husband
and cried aloud bitterly.
ஸா வித்தா பஹுபிர்வாக்யைர்திக்தைரிவ கஜாங்கநா ।
சிரஸந்நியதம் பாஷ்பம் முமோசாக்நிமிவாரணி: ॥
sā viddhā bahubhirvākyairdigdhairiva gajāṅganā ।
cirasanniyataṃ bāṣpaṃ mumōcāgnimivāraṇiḥ ॥
Like a female elephant struck by poisoned arrows,
she was hit by the many words of denial.
The tears that could not be suppressed any more
raged like fire released from the firewood.
தஸ்யா ஸ்படிகஸங்காஸம் வாரி ஸந்தாபஸம்பவம் ।
நேத்ராப்யாம் பரிஸுஸ்ராவ பங்கஜாப்யாமிவோதகம் ॥
tasyā sphaṭikasaṅkāṡaṃ vāri santāpasambhavam ।
nētrābhyāṃ parisusrāva paṅkajābhyāmivōdakam ॥
Tears as clear as crystal, springing from her distress
flowed from her eyes like water from two lotuses.
தச்சைவாமலசந்த்ராபம் முகமாயதலோசநம் ।
பர்யஸுஷ்யத பாஷ்பேண ஜலோத்த்ருதமிவாம்புஜம் ॥
taccaivāmalacandrābhaṃ mukhamāyatalōcanam ।
paryaṡuṣyata bāṣpēṇa jalōddhṛtamivāmbujam ॥
Her face with its wide eyes,
that shone with the brilliance of moon
withered with tears, like a lotus plucked out of water.
தாம் பரிஷ்வஜ்ய பாஹுப்யாம் விஸம்ஜ்ஞாமிவ து:கிதாம் ।
உவாச வசநம் ராம: பரிவிஸ்வாஸயம்ஸ்ததா ॥
tāṃ pariṣvajya bāhubhyāṃ visaṃjñāmiva duḥkhitām ।
uvāca vacanaṃ rāmaḥ pariviṡvāsayaṃstadā ॥
Extending his arms and taking her into his embrace,
he said the following words to console her,
who was crying as if she lost all her senses:
ந தேவி! தவ து:கேந ஸ்வர்கமப்யபிரோசயே ।
ந ஹி மேऽஸ்தி பயம் கிஞ்சித்ஸ்வயம்போரிவ ஸர்வத: ॥
na dēvi! tava duḥkhēna svargamapyabhirōcayē ।
na hi mē'sti bhayaṃ kiñcitsvayambhōriva sarvataḥ ॥
I wouldn’t like to have even heaven, my lady,
if it costs me your grief.
I, like the self-born,
do not have even an iota of fear from anything.
தவ ஸர்வமபிப்ராயமவிஜ்ஞாய ஸுபாநநே! ।
வாஸம் ந ரோசயேऽரண்யே ஸக்திமாநபி ரக்ஷணே ॥
tava sarvamabhiprāyamavijñāya ṡubhānanē! ।
vāsaṃ na rōcayē'raṇyē ṡaktimānapi rakṣaṇē ॥
O woman of pretty face!
I did not want to take you to dwell in the Vana
without knowing your feelings fully well,
even though I am perfectly capable of protecting you!
யத்ஸ்ருஷ்டாऽஸி மயா ஸார்தம் வநவாஸாய மைதிலி! ।
ந விஹாதும் மயா ஸக்யா கீர்திராத்மவதா யதா ॥
yatsṛṣṭā'si mayā sārdhaṃ vanavāsāya maithili! ।
na vihātuṃ mayā ṡakyā kīrtirātmavatā yathā ॥
It seems like you were created, O princess of Mithilā,
to dwell in the Vana along with me!
I cannot forgo you, just as much as
a self-respecting man cannot let go of his reputation!
தர்மஸ்து கஜநாஸோரு! ஸத்பிராசரித: புரா ।
தம் சாஹமநுவர்தேऽத்ய யதா ஸூர்யம் ஸுவர்சலா ॥
dharmastu gajanāsōru! sadbhirācaritaḥ purā ।
taṃ cāhamanuvartē'dya yathā sūryaṃ suvarcalā ॥
O woman of elephant-trunk-thighs!
All people of notable character, for ages, followed Dharma.
I shall also follow it like Suvarcala follows the sun.
Suvarcala is the personification of the sun’s radiance.
Rāma explains, one final time, to Seetā, why he has no choice but to go to the Vana, and has to put her through this ordeal!
ந கல்வஹம் ந கச்சேயம் வநம் ஜநகநந்திநி! ।
வசநம் தந்நயதி மாம் பிதுஸ்ஸத்யோபப்ரும்ஹிதம் ॥
na khalvahaṃ na gacchēyaṃ vanaṃ janakanandini! ।
vacanaṃ tannayati māṃ pitussatyōpabṛṃhitam ॥
O daughter of Janaka!
There can nothing like my not going to Vana,
as it is the strength of the word
given by my father that is leading me there!
ஏஷ தர்மஸ்து ஸுஸ்ரோணி! பிதுர்மாதுஸ்ச வஸ்யதா ।
அதஸ்ச தம் வ்யதிக்ரம்ய நாஹம் ஜீவிதுமுத்ஸஹே ॥
ēṣa dharmastu suṡrōṇi! piturmātuṡca vaṡyatā ।
ataṡca taṃ vyatikramya nāhaṃ jīvitumutsahē ॥
Dharma requires obedience to the
will of one’s father and mother,
O woman of the lovely waist!
I would not live transgressing it!
அஸ்வாதீநம் கதம் தைவம் ப்ரகாரைரபிராத்யதே ।
ஸ்வாதீநம் ஸமதிக்ரம்ய மாதரம் பிதரம் குரும் ॥
asvādhīnaṃ kathaṃ daivaṃ prakārairabhirādhyatē ।
svādhīnaṃ samatikramya mātaraṃ pitaraṃ gurum ॥
How can we ever speak of obeying
the will of the abstract God,
if we fail to obey the will of
mother, father and guru, who are here for real!
It takes three people, the mother, the father and the guru to raise a child. But, alas, the tradition of having a guru has been lost, somewhere along the line of history.
What to speak of the misfortune of the children in the modern times who are raised by a single parent?
யத்த்ரயம் தத்த்ரயோ லோகா: பவித்ரம் தத்ஸமம் புவி ।
நாந்யதஸ்தி ஸுபாபாங்கே! தேநேதமபிராத்யதே ॥
yattrayaṃ tattrayō lōkāḥ pavitraṃ tatsamaṃ bhuvi ।
nānyadasti ṡubhāpāṅgē! tēnēdamabhirādhyatē ॥
These three are, indeed, the three worlds!
There is nothing more sacred on earth.
Hence, O woman of lovely eyes,
those three should be diligently worshipped.
ந ஸத்யம் தாநமாநௌ வா ந யஜ்ஞாஸ்சாப்ததக்ஷிணா: ।
ததா பலகரா ஸ்ஸீதே! யதா ஸேவா பிதுர்ஹிதா ॥
na satyaṃ dānamānau vā na yajñāṡcāptadakṣiṇāḥ ।
tathā balakarā ssītē! yathā sēvā piturhitā ॥
Neither adherence to truth, nor being charitable,
nor being honest, nor doing Yajñas, nor giving honorariums,
O Seetā, will add as much strength to one’s personality
as obeying the will of the father!
ஸ்வர்கோ தநம் வா தாந்யம் வா வித்யா: புத்ராஸ்ஸுகாநி ச ।
குருவ்ருத்த்யநுரோதேந ந கிஞ்சிதபி துர்லபம் ॥
svargō dhanaṃ vā dhānyaṃ vā vidyāḥ putrāssukhāni ca ।
guruvṛttyanurōdhēna na kiñcidapi durlabham ॥
Nothing is impossible to obtain,
be it heaven or wealth or food or knowledge or
children or all-round happiness,
if one acts according to the intent of one’s elders!
Elders always wish for one’s well being unconditionally. Hence by acting according to their intent, one would naturally get everything that is desirable.
Our own judgment may be impaired or blurred by our impulse to be independent, our lack of experience and our unrealistic dreams of life.
Whereas the elders think about our future and wellbeing with single-minded focus, with the added advantage of having experienced the life. This Ṡlōkas echoes this sentiment.
But this is not to say there are not cases of elders who fail to live up to this expectation. Our epics also portray such elders and guide us on how to deal with them, as in the story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlāda.
தேவகந்தர்வகோலோகாந்ப்ரஹ்மலோகாம் ஸ்ததாऽபராந் ।
ப்ராப்நுவந்தி மஹாத்மாநோ மாதாபித்ருபராயணா: ॥
dēvagandharvagōlōkānbrahmalōkāṃ stathā'parān ।
prāpnuvanti mahātmānō mātāpitṛparāyaṇāḥ ॥
The Mahātmas who are fully devoted
to their mothers and fathers,
will duly attain the world of the gods,
of Gandharvas, of the cows, and of Brahma Himself.
ஸ மாம் பிதா யதா ஸாஸ்தி ஸத்யதர்மபதே ஸ்தித: ।
ததா வர்திதுமிச்சாமி ஸ ஹி தர்மஸ்ஸநாதந: ॥
sa māṃ pitā yathā ṡāsti satyadharmapathē sthitaḥ ।
tathā vartitumicchāmi sa hi dharmassanātanaḥ ॥
Therefore I wish to live as directed by my father,
who firmly adheres to the path of truth and Dharma,
for that is the age old Dharma!
மம ஸந்நா மதிஸ்ஸீதே! த்வாம் நேதும் தண்டகாவநம் ।
வஸிஷ்யாமீதி ஸா த்வம் மாமநுயாதும் ஸுநிஸ்சிதா ॥
mama sannā matissītē! tvāṃ nētuṃ daṇḍakāvanam ।
vasiṣyāmīti sā tvaṃ māmanuyātuṃ suniṡcitā ॥
I am not very excited, O Seetā, to take you
to the Daṇḍaka Vana along with me.
But, you say “I shall live there”
and have firmly made up your mind to follow me.
ஸா ஹி ஸ்ருஷ்டாऽநவத்யாங்கி வநாய மதிரேக்ஷணே! ।
அநுகச்சஸ்வ மாம் பீரு! ஸஹதர்மசரீ பவ ॥
sā hi sṛṣṭā'navadyāṅgi vanāya madirēkṣaṇē! ।
anugacchasva māṃ bhīru! sahadharmacarī bhava ॥
Hence, O woman of perfect figure, O woman of intoxicating eyes,
I agree to your coming to the Vana!
Follow me, O woman of faint heart,
and be my true life partner in adhering to Dharma!
By saying faint-hearted, I think, Rāma is teasing her for being afraid of living without him being by her side.
ஸர்வதா ஸத்ருஸம் ஸீதே! மம ஸ்வஸ்ய குலஸ்ய ச ।
வ்யவஸாயமநுக்ராந்தா காந்தே! த்வமதிஸோபநம் ॥
sarvathā sadṛṡaṃ sītē! mama svasya kulasya ca ।
vyavasāyamanukrāntā kāntē! tvamatiṡōbhanam ॥
O charming Seetā! You have set yourself
on an excellent path that reflects, in every way,
the renown of your lineage and mine!
ஆரபஸ்வ ஸுபஸ்ரோணி! வநவாஸக்ஷமா: க்ரியா: ।
நேதாநீம் த்வத்ருதே ஸீதே! ஸ்வர்கோऽபி மம ரோசதே ॥
ārabhasva ṡubhaṡrōṇi! vanavāsakṣamāḥ kriyāḥ ।
nēdānīṃ tvadṛtē sītē! svargō'pi mama rōcatē ॥
Get ready, O woman of lovely hips,
and do whatever is needed to prepare for life in the Vana!
Without you, O Seetā, I will not enjoy even heaven!
ப்ராஹ்மணேப்யஸ்ச ரத்நாநி பிக்ஷுகேப்யஸ்ச போஜநம் ।
தேஹி சாஸம்ஸமாநேப்ய ஸ்ஸந்த்வரஸ்வ ச மா சிரம் ॥
brāhmaṇēbhyaṡca ratnāni bhikṣukēbhyaṡca bhōjanam ।
dēhi cāṡaṃsamānēbhya ssantvarasva ca mā ciram ॥
Give away all the precious stones to Brāhmaṇas who want them.
Give away all the food grains to the mendicants who want them.
Hasten up, and let there be no delay!
பூஷணாநி மஹார்ஹாணி வரவஸ்த்ராணி யாநி ச ।
ரமணீயாஸ்ச யே கேசித்க்ரீடார்தாஸ்சாப்யுபஸ்கரா: ॥
ஸயநீயாநி யாநாநி மம சாந்யாநி யாநி ச ।
தேஹி ஸ்வப்ருத்ய வர்கஸ்ய ப்ராஹ்மணாநாமநந்தரம் ॥
bhūṣaṇāni mahārhāṇi varavastrāṇi yāni ca ।
ramaṇīyāṡca yē kēcitkrīḍārthāṡcāpyupaskarāḥ ॥
ṡayanīyāni yānāni mama cānyāni yāni ca ।
dēhi svabhṛtya vargasya brāhmaṇānāmanantaram ॥
After giving to Brāhmaṇas,
give away all other expensive jewelry, exquisite clothing
and the beautiful articles of entertainment,
and the beds and couches and vehicles to all the staff.
அநுகூலம் து ஸா பர்துர்ஜ்ஞாத்வா கமநமாத்மந: ।
க்ஷிப்ரம் ப்ரமுதிதா தேவீ தாதுமேவோபசக்ரமே ॥
anukūlaṃ tu sā bharturjñātvā gamanamātmanaḥ ।
kṣipraṃ pramuditā dēvī dātumēvōpacakramē ॥
Knowing that her husband had agreed
to let her to go with him,
that lady felt very happy and immediately
started distributing her possessions.
தத: ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டா ப்ரதிபூர்ணமாநஸா
யஸஸ்விநீ பர்துரவேக்ஷ்ய பாஷிதம் ।
தநாநி ரத்நாநி ச தாதுமங்கநா
ப்ரசக்ரமே தர்மப்ருதாம் மநஸ்ஸ்விநீ ॥
tataḥ prahṛṣṭā pratipūrṇamānasā
yaṡaṡvinī bharturavēkṣya bhāṣitam ।
dhanāni ratnāni ca dātumaṅganā
pracakramē dharmabhṛtāṃ manassvinī ॥
Hearing those words of her husband,
that magnanimous lady of great reputation,
with her heart fulfilled and delighted,
commenced the distribution of money and precious stones
to the people who adhered to Dharma.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē triṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirtieth Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 3543 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.

In the previous Sarga, Seetā tries to convince Rāma to take her along with him to Vana. But Rāma does not yield.
In this Sarga Seetā continues her pleading. Rāma finally agrees to take her with him. He says that he wanted to make sure that she is earnest in her desire, before conceding.
He makes it clear that there is nothing more and nothing less than adhering to Dharma by abiding by the word given by his father, that makes him go to the Vana.
***Note the differences among the responses of Lakshmaṇa, Kousalyā and Seetā to the turn of events.
Lakshmaṇa questions the character of Kaikēyee, judgment of the aged King and the propriety of Rāma in obliging his father by helping him keep his word.
Kousalyā, on the other hand, does not talk about Kaikēyee nor questions the judgment of her husband, but only wishes that Rāma does not oblige, or at least take her with him.
Seetā, quite differently, neither talks about Kaikēyee, nor about Daṡaratha, nor about the propriety of Rāma in abiding by his father’s word. She simply begs him to take her with him.
Seetā passes the test of time handsomely. She makes it clear that her husband is more important to her than the riches that she has to leave behind. By not questioning him, she makes it clear that she has full faith in his judgment.
ஸாந்த்வ்யமாநா து ராமேண மைதிலீ ஜநகாத்மஜா ।
வநவாஸநிமித்தாய பர்தாரமிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
sāntvyamānā tu rāmēṇa maithilī janakātmajā ।
vanavāsanimittāya bhartāramidamabravīt ॥
When Rāma thus sought to console her
while denying her plea to live in the Vana,
the princess of Mithilā, the daughter of Janaka,
said the following words to her husband:
ஸா தமுத்தமஸம்விக்நா ஸீதா விபுலவக்ஷஸம் ।
ப்ரணயாச்சாபிமாநாச்ச பரிசிக்ஷேப ராகவம் ॥
sā tamuttamasaṃvignā sītā vipulavakṣasam ।
praṇayāccābhimānācca paricikṣēpa rāghavam ॥
Highly agitated, Seetā taunted Rāghava, of mighty chest,
with the indulgence of offended love.
கிம் த்வாऽமந்யத வைதேஹ: பிதா மே மிதிலாதிப: ।
ராம! ஜாமாதரம் ப்ராப்ய ஸ்த்ரியம் புருஷவிக்ரஹம் ॥
kiṃ tvā'manyata vaidēhaḥ pitā mē mithilādhipaḥ ।
rāma! jāmātaraṃ prāpya striyaṃ puruṣavigraham ॥
Did my father, the king of Vidēha and the lord of Mithilā,
O Rāma, think that he got a son-in-law
who is a woman in the form of a man?
அந்ருதம் பத லோகோऽயமஜ்ஞாநாத்யத்தி வக்ஷ்யதி ।
தேஜோ நாஸ்தி பரம் ராமே தபதீவ திவாகரே ॥
anṛtaṃ bata lōkō'yamajñānādyadhdi vakṣyati ।
tējō nāsti paraṃ rāmē tapatīva divākarē ॥
It would be, alas, far from truth,
if the world, out of ignorance, says that Rāma
does not have the brilliant luster of the blazing sun!
கிம் ஹி க்ருத்வா விஷண்ணஸ்த்வம் குதோ வா பயமஸ்தி தே ।
யத்பரித்யக்துகாமஸ்த்வம் மாமநந்யபராயணாம் ॥
kiṃ hi kṛtvā viṣaṇṇastvaṃ kutō vā bhayamasti tē ।
yatparityaktukāmastvaṃ māmananyaparāyaṇām ॥
Then, what is the reason for you to be sad
and what are you afraid of,
to leave me, who has no other refuge, alone?
In Ṡlōka 3 Seetā essentially says that she knows that he is not a woman to cry. In Ṡlōka 4 she says that he is not a weak person to be afraid of anyone. In this Ṡlōka, she asks, why then does he heSeetāte?
த்யுமத்ஸேநஸுதம் வீர! ஸத்யவந்தமநுவ்ரதாம் ।
ஸாவித்ரீமிவ மாம் வித்தி த்வமாத்மவஸவர்திநீம் ॥
dyumatsēnasutaṃ vīra! satyavantamanuvratām ।
sāvitrīmiva māṃ viddhi tvamātmavaṡavartinīm ॥
You must know, O Veera, that I am completely yours,
like Sāvitri who cleaved to Satyavanta, the son of Dyumatsēna!
ந த்வஹம் மநஸாऽப்யந்யம் த்ரஷ்டாऽஸ்மி த்வத்ருதேऽநக! ।
த்வயா ராகவ! கச்சேயம் யதாऽந்யா குலபாம்ஸிநீ ॥
na tvahaṃ manasā'pyanyaṃ draṣṭā'smi tvadṛtē'nagha! ।
tvayā rāghava! gacchēyaṃ yathā'nyā kulapāṃsinī ॥
I am not like other women
who ruin the name of an entire lineage.
Not even the thought of another man will cross my mind.
O flawless one! I am firmly devoted to you.
O Rāghava! I shall go along with you!
ஸ்வயம் து பார்யாம் கௌமாரீம் சிரமத்யுஷிதாம் ஸதீம் ।
ஸைலூஷ இவ மாம் ராம! பரேப்யோ தாதுமிச்சஸி ॥
svayaṃ tu bhāryāṃ kaumārīṃ ciramadhyuṣitāṃ satīm ।
ṡailūṣa iva māṃ rāma! parēbhyō dātumicchasi ॥
O Rāma! I am your wife for real.
I am young, naïve, and have been long taken cared for by you.
Now, you want to give me away to others,
like an actor in a play!
“This is not a movie, this is life!” is a cliché in the modern Indian movies. It seems as if this expression is as old as Rāmāyaṇa itself, wow!
யஸ்ய பத்யம் ச ராமாऽத்த யஸ்ய சார்தேऽவருத்யஸே ।
த்வம் தஸ்ய பவ வஸ்யஸ்ச விதேயஸ்ச ஸதாऽநக! ॥
yasya pathyaṃ ca rāmā'ttha yasya cārthē'varudhyasē ।
tvaṃ tasya bhava vaṡyaṡca vidhēyaṡca sadā'nagha! ॥
O Rāma, O faultless one! You may
continue to be obedient and dedicated
to those whom you wish well and
for whose sake you are stopping me!
This Ṡlōka does not seem to go well in the flow! May be we have lost a few Ṡlōkas before and after this Ṡlōka to history!
ஸ மாமநாதாய வநம் ந த்வம் ப்ரஸ்தாதுமர்ஹஸி ।
தபோ வா யதி வாऽரண்யம் ஸ்வர்கோ வா ஸ்யாத்ஸஹ மே த்வயா ॥
sa māmanādāya vanaṃ na tvaṃ prasthātumarhasi ।
tapō vā yadi vā'raṇyaṃ svargō vā syātsaha mē tvayā ॥
You shall not go to Vana without taking me with you.
Be it Tapa or forest or heaven for me, it is only with you.
ந ச மே பவிதா தத்ர கஸ்சித்பதி பரிஸ்ரம: ।
ப்ருஷ்டதஸ்தவ கச்சந்த்யா விஹாரஸயநேஷ்விவ ॥
na ca mē bhavitā tatra kaṡcitpathi pariṡramaḥ ।
pṛṣṭhatastava gacchantyā vihāraṡayanēṣviva ॥
I should have no difficulty there
moving along the pathways and sleep well as I follow you.
குஸகாஸஸரேஷீகா யே ச கண்டகிநோ த்ருமா: ।
தூலாஜிநஸமஸ்பர்ஸா மார்கே மம ஸஹ த்வயா ॥
kuṡakāṡaṡarēṣīkā yē ca kaṇṭakinō drumāḥ ।
tūlājinasamasparṡā mārgē mama saha tvayā ॥
Consider Darbha, reed, rush and thorn-trees on the pathways
to be soft like cotton and smooth like deer skin to me
when I walk along with you.
Good company and bad times are better than good times and bad company, at any time. Because, never does one live one’s life alone.
மஹாவாதஸமுத்தூதம் யந்மாமபகரிஷ்யதி ।
ரஜோ ரமண! தந்மந்யே பரார்த்யமிவ சந்தநம் ॥
mahāvātasamuddhūtaṃ yanmāmapakariṣyati ।
rajō ramaṇa! tanmanyē parārthyamiva candanam ॥
My beloved Rāma! I shall regard, as sandal beyond price,
the dust with which I may be covered when strong winds blow.
Most of us would have childhood memory of coming home with a coat of dust after playing in the dusty areas of the neighborhood. The memory of that dust, for many, is more precious than sandalwood paste.
Seetā is speaking of a similarly possible situation, when her body could be covered with dust raised by windstorms in the Vana.
ஸாத்வலேஷு யதா ஸிஸ்யே வநாந்தே வநகோசர! ।
குதாஸ்தரணதல்பேஷு கிம் ஸ்யாத்ஸுகதரம் தத: ॥
ṡādvalēṣu yathā ṡiṡyē vanāntē vanagōcara! ।
kuthāstaraṇatalpēṣu kiṃ syātsukhataraṃ tataḥ ॥
Would the comfort of lying down
on the green sward in the heart of Vana,
be any less than lying on beds
covered with soft rugs and fine linen?
பத்ரம் மூலம் பலம் யத்த்வமல்பம் வா யதி வா பஹு ।
தாஸ்யஸி ஸ்வயமாஹ்ருத்ய தந்மேऽம்ருதரஸோபமம் ॥
patraṃ mūlaṃ phalaṃ yattvamalpaṃ vā yadi vā bahu ।
dāsyasi svayamāhṛtya tanmē'mṛtarasōpamam ॥
Anything, be it much or little,
be it a root or fruit or leaf
that you gather by yourself and give me,
will be sweet like Amrita to me.
ந மாதுர்ந பிதுஸ்தத்ர ஸ்மரிஷ்யாமி ந வேஸ்மந: ।
ஆர்தவாந்யுபபுஞ்ஜாநா புஷ்பாணி ச பலாநி ச ॥
na māturna pitustatra smariṣyāmi na vēṡmanaḥ ।
ārtavānyupabhuñjānā puṣpāṇi ca phalāni ca ॥
I will not think of mother or father or home,
enjoying the flowers and fruits of various seasons.
Seetā assures that she will not get homesick.
ந ச தத்ர தத: கிஞ்சித்த்ரஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி விப்ரியம் ।
மத்க்ருதே ந ச தே ஸோகோ ந பவிஷ்யாமி துர்பரா ॥
na ca tatra tataḥ kiñciddraṣṭumarhasi vipriyam ।
matkṛtē na ca tē ṡōkō na bhaviṣyāmi durbharā ॥
Hence you shall not have
any difficulty or worry there because of me!
Nor shall I be of any burden to you!
This same loving pleading, to which it is difficult to say ‘no’, is beautifully captured between the characters of Sujatha, the heroine, and her husband Guru, as he departs to the city to make it big, in the Bollywood movie, Guru (2007), a biographical film loosely based on the Business icon of India, Dhirubhai Ambani.
ய ஸ்த்வயா ஸஹ ஸ ஸ்வர்கோ நிரயோ யஸ்த்வயா விநா ।
இதி ஜாநந்பராம் ப்ரீதிம் கச்ச ராம! மயா ஸஹ ॥
ya stvayā saha sa svargō nirayō yastvayā vinā ।
iti jānanparāṃ prītiṃ gaccha rāma! mayā saha ॥
It is heaven for me with you and hell without you.
Be completely assured of that, O Rāma,
and have the best of life with me!
அத மாமேவமவ்யக்ராம் வநம் நைவ நயிஷ்யதி ।
விஷமத்யைவ பாஸ்யாமி மா விஸம் த்விஷதாம் கமம் ॥
atha māmēvamavyagrāṃ vanaṃ naiva nayiṣyati ।
viṣamadyaiva pāsyāmi mā viṡaṃ dviṣatāṃ gamam ॥
If you do not take me, the determined, to the Vana with you,
I shall consume poison this very day,
so that I will not fall into the hands of enemies.
பஸ்சாதபி ஹி து:கேந மம நைவாஸ்தி ஜீவிதம் ।
உஜ்ஜிதாயாஸ்த்வயா நாத! ததைவ மரணம் வரம் ॥
paṡcādapi hi duḥkhēna mama naivāsti jīvitam ।
ujjhitāyāstvayā nātha! tadaiva maraṇaṃ varam ॥
I would anyway die later
out of grief, if you leave me.
Hence, it is better to die now.
இமம் ஹி ஸஹிதும் ஸோகம் முஹூர்தமபி நோத்ஸஹே ।
கிம் புநர்தஸவர்ஷாணி த்ரீணி சைகம் ச து:கிதா ॥
imaṃ hi sahituṃ ṡōkaṃ muhūrtamapi nōtsahē ।
kiṃ punardaṡavarṣāṇi trīṇi caikaṃ ca duḥkhitā ॥
I cannot endure this grief even for a moment.
How can I take it for ten, three and one years more?
இதி ஸா ஸோகஸந்தப்தா விலப்ய கருணம் பஹு ।
சுக்ரோஸ பதிமாயஸ்தா ப்ருஸமாலிங்க்ய ஸஸ்வரம் ॥
iti sā ṡōkasantaptā vilapya karuṇaṃ bahu ।
cukrōṡa patimāyastā bhṛṡamāliṅgya sasvaram ॥
Tormented with grief, Seetā,
lamenting piteously and exhausted,
tightly hugged her husband
and cried aloud bitterly.
ஸா வித்தா பஹுபிர்வாக்யைர்திக்தைரிவ கஜாங்கநா ।
சிரஸந்நியதம் பாஷ்பம் முமோசாக்நிமிவாரணி: ॥
sā viddhā bahubhirvākyairdigdhairiva gajāṅganā ।
cirasanniyataṃ bāṣpaṃ mumōcāgnimivāraṇiḥ ॥
Like a female elephant struck by poisoned arrows,
she was hit by the many words of denial.
The tears that could not be suppressed any more
raged like fire released from the firewood.
தஸ்யா ஸ்படிகஸங்காஸம் வாரி ஸந்தாபஸம்பவம் ।
நேத்ராப்யாம் பரிஸுஸ்ராவ பங்கஜாப்யாமிவோதகம் ॥
tasyā sphaṭikasaṅkāṡaṃ vāri santāpasambhavam ।
nētrābhyāṃ parisusrāva paṅkajābhyāmivōdakam ॥
Tears as clear as crystal, springing from her distress
flowed from her eyes like water from two lotuses.
தச்சைவாமலசந்த்ராபம் முகமாயதலோசநம் ।
பர்யஸுஷ்யத பாஷ்பேண ஜலோத்த்ருதமிவாம்புஜம் ॥
taccaivāmalacandrābhaṃ mukhamāyatalōcanam ।
paryaṡuṣyata bāṣpēṇa jalōddhṛtamivāmbujam ॥
Her face with its wide eyes,
that shone with the brilliance of moon
withered with tears, like a lotus plucked out of water.
தாம் பரிஷ்வஜ்ய பாஹுப்யாம் விஸம்ஜ்ஞாமிவ து:கிதாம் ।
உவாச வசநம் ராம: பரிவிஸ்வாஸயம்ஸ்ததா ॥
tāṃ pariṣvajya bāhubhyāṃ visaṃjñāmiva duḥkhitām ।
uvāca vacanaṃ rāmaḥ pariviṡvāsayaṃstadā ॥
Extending his arms and taking her into his embrace,
he said the following words to console her,
who was crying as if she lost all her senses:
ந தேவி! தவ து:கேந ஸ்வர்கமப்யபிரோசயே ।
ந ஹி மேऽஸ்தி பயம் கிஞ்சித்ஸ்வயம்போரிவ ஸர்வத: ॥
na dēvi! tava duḥkhēna svargamapyabhirōcayē ।
na hi mē'sti bhayaṃ kiñcitsvayambhōriva sarvataḥ ॥
I wouldn’t like to have even heaven, my lady,
if it costs me your grief.
I, like the self-born,
do not have even an iota of fear from anything.
தவ ஸர்வமபிப்ராயமவிஜ்ஞாய ஸுபாநநே! ।
வாஸம் ந ரோசயேऽரண்யே ஸக்திமாநபி ரக்ஷணே ॥
tava sarvamabhiprāyamavijñāya ṡubhānanē! ।
vāsaṃ na rōcayē'raṇyē ṡaktimānapi rakṣaṇē ॥
O woman of pretty face!
I did not want to take you to dwell in the Vana
without knowing your feelings fully well,
even though I am perfectly capable of protecting you!
யத்ஸ்ருஷ்டாऽஸி மயா ஸார்தம் வநவாஸாய மைதிலி! ।
ந விஹாதும் மயா ஸக்யா கீர்திராத்மவதா யதா ॥
yatsṛṣṭā'si mayā sārdhaṃ vanavāsāya maithili! ।
na vihātuṃ mayā ṡakyā kīrtirātmavatā yathā ॥
It seems like you were created, O princess of Mithilā,
to dwell in the Vana along with me!
I cannot forgo you, just as much as
a self-respecting man cannot let go of his reputation!
தர்மஸ்து கஜநாஸோரு! ஸத்பிராசரித: புரா ।
தம் சாஹமநுவர்தேऽத்ய யதா ஸூர்யம் ஸுவர்சலா ॥
dharmastu gajanāsōru! sadbhirācaritaḥ purā ।
taṃ cāhamanuvartē'dya yathā sūryaṃ suvarcalā ॥
O woman of elephant-trunk-thighs!
All people of notable character, for ages, followed Dharma.
I shall also follow it like Suvarcala follows the sun.
Suvarcala is the personification of the sun’s radiance.
Rāma explains, one final time, to Seetā, why he has no choice but to go to the Vana, and has to put her through this ordeal!
ந கல்வஹம் ந கச்சேயம் வநம் ஜநகநந்திநி! ।
வசநம் தந்நயதி மாம் பிதுஸ்ஸத்யோபப்ரும்ஹிதம் ॥
na khalvahaṃ na gacchēyaṃ vanaṃ janakanandini! ।
vacanaṃ tannayati māṃ pitussatyōpabṛṃhitam ॥
O daughter of Janaka!
There can nothing like my not going to Vana,
as it is the strength of the word
given by my father that is leading me there!
ஏஷ தர்மஸ்து ஸுஸ்ரோணி! பிதுர்மாதுஸ்ச வஸ்யதா ।
அதஸ்ச தம் வ்யதிக்ரம்ய நாஹம் ஜீவிதுமுத்ஸஹே ॥
ēṣa dharmastu suṡrōṇi! piturmātuṡca vaṡyatā ।
ataṡca taṃ vyatikramya nāhaṃ jīvitumutsahē ॥
Dharma requires obedience to the
will of one’s father and mother,
O woman of the lovely waist!
I would not live transgressing it!
அஸ்வாதீநம் கதம் தைவம் ப்ரகாரைரபிராத்யதே ।
ஸ்வாதீநம் ஸமதிக்ரம்ய மாதரம் பிதரம் குரும் ॥
asvādhīnaṃ kathaṃ daivaṃ prakārairabhirādhyatē ।
svādhīnaṃ samatikramya mātaraṃ pitaraṃ gurum ॥
How can we ever speak of obeying
the will of the abstract God,
if we fail to obey the will of
mother, father and guru, who are here for real!
It takes three people, the mother, the father and the guru to raise a child. But, alas, the tradition of having a guru has been lost, somewhere along the line of history.
What to speak of the misfortune of the children in the modern times who are raised by a single parent?
யத்த்ரயம் தத்த்ரயோ லோகா: பவித்ரம் தத்ஸமம் புவி ।
நாந்யதஸ்தி ஸுபாபாங்கே! தேநேதமபிராத்யதே ॥
yattrayaṃ tattrayō lōkāḥ pavitraṃ tatsamaṃ bhuvi ।
nānyadasti ṡubhāpāṅgē! tēnēdamabhirādhyatē ॥
These three are, indeed, the three worlds!
There is nothing more sacred on earth.
Hence, O woman of lovely eyes,
those three should be diligently worshipped.
ந ஸத்யம் தாநமாநௌ வா ந யஜ்ஞாஸ்சாப்ததக்ஷிணா: ।
ததா பலகரா ஸ்ஸீதே! யதா ஸேவா பிதுர்ஹிதா ॥
na satyaṃ dānamānau vā na yajñāṡcāptadakṣiṇāḥ ।
tathā balakarā ssītē! yathā sēvā piturhitā ॥
Neither adherence to truth, nor being charitable,
nor being honest, nor doing Yajñas, nor giving honorariums,
O Seetā, will add as much strength to one’s personality
as obeying the will of the father!
ஸ்வர்கோ தநம் வா தாந்யம் வா வித்யா: புத்ராஸ்ஸுகாநி ச ।
குருவ்ருத்த்யநுரோதேந ந கிஞ்சிதபி துர்லபம் ॥
svargō dhanaṃ vā dhānyaṃ vā vidyāḥ putrāssukhāni ca ।
guruvṛttyanurōdhēna na kiñcidapi durlabham ॥
Nothing is impossible to obtain,
be it heaven or wealth or food or knowledge or
children or all-round happiness,
if one acts according to the intent of one’s elders!
Elders always wish for one’s well being unconditionally. Hence by acting according to their intent, one would naturally get everything that is desirable.
Our own judgment may be impaired or blurred by our impulse to be independent, our lack of experience and our unrealistic dreams of life.
Whereas the elders think about our future and wellbeing with single-minded focus, with the added advantage of having experienced the life. This Ṡlōkas echoes this sentiment.
But this is not to say there are not cases of elders who fail to live up to this expectation. Our epics also portray such elders and guide us on how to deal with them, as in the story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlāda.
தேவகந்தர்வகோலோகாந்ப்ரஹ்மலோகாம் ஸ்ததாऽபராந் ।
ப்ராப்நுவந்தி மஹாத்மாநோ மாதாபித்ருபராயணா: ॥
dēvagandharvagōlōkānbrahmalōkāṃ stathā'parān ।
prāpnuvanti mahātmānō mātāpitṛparāyaṇāḥ ॥
The Mahātmas who are fully devoted
to their mothers and fathers,
will duly attain the world of the gods,
of Gandharvas, of the cows, and of Brahma Himself.
ஸ மாம் பிதா யதா ஸாஸ்தி ஸத்யதர்மபதே ஸ்தித: ।
ததா வர்திதுமிச்சாமி ஸ ஹி தர்மஸ்ஸநாதந: ॥
sa māṃ pitā yathā ṡāsti satyadharmapathē sthitaḥ ।
tathā vartitumicchāmi sa hi dharmassanātanaḥ ॥
Therefore I wish to live as directed by my father,
who firmly adheres to the path of truth and Dharma,
for that is the age old Dharma!
மம ஸந்நா மதிஸ்ஸீதே! த்வாம் நேதும் தண்டகாவநம் ।
வஸிஷ்யாமீதி ஸா த்வம் மாமநுயாதும் ஸுநிஸ்சிதா ॥
mama sannā matissītē! tvāṃ nētuṃ daṇḍakāvanam ।
vasiṣyāmīti sā tvaṃ māmanuyātuṃ suniṡcitā ॥
I am not very excited, O Seetā, to take you
to the Daṇḍaka Vana along with me.
But, you say “I shall live there”
and have firmly made up your mind to follow me.
ஸா ஹி ஸ்ருஷ்டாऽநவத்யாங்கி வநாய மதிரேக்ஷணே! ।
அநுகச்சஸ்வ மாம் பீரு! ஸஹதர்மசரீ பவ ॥
sā hi sṛṣṭā'navadyāṅgi vanāya madirēkṣaṇē! ।
anugacchasva māṃ bhīru! sahadharmacarī bhava ॥
Hence, O woman of perfect figure, O woman of intoxicating eyes,
I agree to your coming to the Vana!
Follow me, O woman of faint heart,
and be my true life partner in adhering to Dharma!
By saying faint-hearted, I think, Rāma is teasing her for being afraid of living without him being by her side.
ஸர்வதா ஸத்ருஸம் ஸீதே! மம ஸ்வஸ்ய குலஸ்ய ச ।
வ்யவஸாயமநுக்ராந்தா காந்தே! த்வமதிஸோபநம் ॥
sarvathā sadṛṡaṃ sītē! mama svasya kulasya ca ।
vyavasāyamanukrāntā kāntē! tvamatiṡōbhanam ॥
O charming Seetā! You have set yourself
on an excellent path that reflects, in every way,
the renown of your lineage and mine!
ஆரபஸ்வ ஸுபஸ்ரோணி! வநவாஸக்ஷமா: க்ரியா: ।
நேதாநீம் த்வத்ருதே ஸீதே! ஸ்வர்கோऽபி மம ரோசதே ॥
ārabhasva ṡubhaṡrōṇi! vanavāsakṣamāḥ kriyāḥ ।
nēdānīṃ tvadṛtē sītē! svargō'pi mama rōcatē ॥
Get ready, O woman of lovely hips,
and do whatever is needed to prepare for life in the Vana!
Without you, O Seetā, I will not enjoy even heaven!
ப்ராஹ்மணேப்யஸ்ச ரத்நாநி பிக்ஷுகேப்யஸ்ச போஜநம் ।
தேஹி சாஸம்ஸமாநேப்ய ஸ்ஸந்த்வரஸ்வ ச மா சிரம் ॥
brāhmaṇēbhyaṡca ratnāni bhikṣukēbhyaṡca bhōjanam ।
dēhi cāṡaṃsamānēbhya ssantvarasva ca mā ciram ॥
Give away all the precious stones to Brāhmaṇas who want them.
Give away all the food grains to the mendicants who want them.
Hasten up, and let there be no delay!
பூஷணாநி மஹார்ஹாணி வரவஸ்த்ராணி யாநி ச ।
ரமணீயாஸ்ச யே கேசித்க்ரீடார்தாஸ்சாப்யுபஸ்கரா: ॥
ஸயநீயாநி யாநாநி மம சாந்யாநி யாநி ச ।
தேஹி ஸ்வப்ருத்ய வர்கஸ்ய ப்ராஹ்மணாநாமநந்தரம் ॥
bhūṣaṇāni mahārhāṇi varavastrāṇi yāni ca ।
ramaṇīyāṡca yē kēcitkrīḍārthāṡcāpyupaskarāḥ ॥
ṡayanīyāni yānāni mama cānyāni yāni ca ।
dēhi svabhṛtya vargasya brāhmaṇānāmanantaram ॥
After giving to Brāhmaṇas,
give away all other expensive jewelry, exquisite clothing
and the beautiful articles of entertainment,
and the beds and couches and vehicles to all the staff.
அநுகூலம் து ஸா பர்துர்ஜ்ஞாத்வா கமநமாத்மந: ।
க்ஷிப்ரம் ப்ரமுதிதா தேவீ தாதுமேவோபசக்ரமே ॥
anukūlaṃ tu sā bharturjñātvā gamanamātmanaḥ ।
kṣipraṃ pramuditā dēvī dātumēvōpacakramē ॥
Knowing that her husband had agreed
to let her to go with him,
that lady felt very happy and immediately
started distributing her possessions.
தத: ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டா ப்ரதிபூர்ணமாநஸா
யஸஸ்விநீ பர்துரவேக்ஷ்ய பாஷிதம் ।
தநாநி ரத்நாநி ச தாதுமங்கநா
ப்ரசக்ரமே தர்மப்ருதாம் மநஸ்ஸ்விநீ ॥
tataḥ prahṛṣṭā pratipūrṇamānasā
yaṡaṡvinī bharturavēkṣya bhāṣitam ।
dhanāni ratnāni ca dātumaṅganā
pracakramē dharmabhṛtāṃ manassvinī ॥
Hearing those words of her husband,
that magnanimous lady of great reputation,
with her heart fulfilled and delighted,
commenced the distribution of money and precious stones
to the people who adhered to Dharma.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē triṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirtieth Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 3543 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.