How come young madhwa brahmin women of late are not wearing the traditional 9 yd saree anymore?
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9 yd saree
Re: 9 yd saree
It should not be forced, but every husband should request his wife to wear 9 yard saree
by telling, "I will love you much, if you wear 9 yard saree, at least in some ritual days".
It will lead them to break the shy to wear 9 yard,
and the method of wearing come to custom, they will not hesitate to wear it.
It should be done, step by step in long run, but everybody should try for it.
Re: 9 yd saree
Tq Sri but like to have comments from madhwa women, if any ,on this forum.But i think there may be still some young educated brahmin women who do not need coaxing to wear the traditional drape.Here is an example-a letter written by a young brahmin woman to a website on draped clothing
By Sreelakshmi
I came across the web site of IDC sometime ago,just by chance. I have seen that lots of variations in wearing saris exist, but I did not know that anyone had seriously studied it. There is really a lot of information and links in the web site. It is nice to find people around the world show interest in saris, drapes etc. and it was nice to read the experiences of various people on the web site. On reading that, I felt like sharing my experience with you. So here it is.
Although I hail from a Brahmin family and we do retain quite a few traditions, we are not too orthodox. I had seen orthodox women wear the kaccha sari quite a few times but had not paid much attention to it. But after seeing the web site, whenever I saw a woman wearing a kaccha sari, I watched her sari with more interest and observed it. My curiosity, growing interest and fascination made me buy a new nine yard cotton sari and try the drape in private. With a bit of time and some practice I learnt to wear it well. But I pursued this in private because I was not sure how the family would react on seeing me wearing a kaccha sari. But the feeling that it looked good gave me courage and I decided to surprise my family on the occasion of a festival by appearing for the puja wearing the nine yard sari in the kaccha style. Everyone was indeed surprised but pleasantly. All of them liked it and praised me for trying the traditional style. Encouraged by the response, I decided to wear it once a while. But my liking for this has grown because I find it very comfortable. I no longer wait for an occasion to wear it but do so very often.
I must thank your web site for arousing my interest in keeping our tradition alive and I hope many more people will try out the various sari styles even if it is just to add a bit of variety to life. If you think my experience is interesting or encouraging for others to try these things please do share this.
With best regards,
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